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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:20 pm
Sammich wrote:
Kamila made it plenty clear her participation was begrudging. But she was far from an uncooperative child. She mad her displeasure clear in her acute compliance. Her silence and begrudging expression could also be thought to contribute to her rebellion, but she was just like that all the time. She ensured a decent pace, close enough to be safe on the road, far enough where it would be awkward to include her in conversation.

In the desert she began to feel a sense of comfort that made her... uneasy. It was the shifting sound of sand and the earnest sun that lulled her into some sort of listless mind state. She fought to keep her focus, especially as an uneasy knot formed in her stomach. Something was happening, up ahead. She opened her mouth to warn them, but she nearly ran into Leios as they had already stopped, observing a swirling storm over the dune. Her heart picked up pace, a sense of wonder over taking her, she swore her eyelids lifted a millimeter.

The conversation was clear around her, but her gaze never drifted, sure as Takumi said, a geyser of fire illuminated the roiling sand. Her fingers curled and itched. Who or what was making THAT happen? Her focus turned to Leios as soon as 'reward' was mentioned. She gave a slight smile, "Smart of you not to assume things about a stranger.", in the next second however the smile flipped and increased ten fold. "What are you doing?" She hissed under her breath, taking a step to follow. But she whipped around, securing Takumi's gaze, for a moment before releasing a noise of disgust and melding into the dune, pursuing the son of the heroes.

Derekjay2000 wrote:
Crossing his arms, he was expecting the answer from Leios to be that they would get involved....however, that didn't mean he enjoyed it any more than possible. Mumbling some curses under his breath at the confirmation, he was very intrigued by the offer of help possibly from this 'Library' and he was sure from the rare sight of a grin from Kamilla that she was interested in it's expensive contents. Glaring hard at the young man before them, he hated to admit it...but he was good at convincing others. Debating in his head if this "Supposed" help would be worth it, his fortitude was crushed when Kamila caught his gaze. Looking into her eyes for a bit, before she broke the silence with a offended noise, he threw his hands out in a expression of 'The hell did I do!' before slouching down as he also begrudgingly followed after the two.

Leios noticed that Takumi and Kamila followed him after all, he thought to himself, 'Glad to see that.'

Derekjay2000 wrote:
Protecting his face with his one arm Judah growled as Rohan dispelled his sand and earth. Glaring at him, Judah took the time that Rohan gave him to do his own examination. His body was pretty beat and burnt up, and his left arm was pretty torn up from the hot glass that had hardened on him...with his arm out of commission it would be difficult to fight, smirking as he looked on at his opponent Judah simply chuckled "You're not bad yourself...however, This damage is nothing compared to what some others I know are capable of..." he warned as he entered a combat stance, his left arm lying limply and his other ready to strike. W Leios arrived he was a bit surprised, 'crap more little runts!' he thought in annoyance, however he was taken back when Leios began to berate Rohan, and even more so when he spoke of defeating his comrade, "Impossible....Ying was taken out! Did you kill her!!!" he shouted in anger, worry in his voice for his comrade. Looking down he glared before moving his attention back to Rohan.

"You may not be able to afford to lose...but I REFUSE to lose..." he spoke through clenched teeth, "I owe them everything...I will make sure to repay them all for their love, and I will make sure your family pays the pain they suffered a hundred times fold!" Power began to flow through his body, focusing in the hand as the sand quivered beneath them, the particles of sand, the shards of stone, and more began to gather around him as he prepared "They are good people who deserve more than what life gave them!" A light glow began to emanate from his hand as the sand began to flow into it, "Taking in a criminal brat like me, willing to challenge legends, and the god that took away everything from us...I will repay them in your blood!" The ground began to harden and become clear and crystalized as a strange structure began to form around him as the light and sands began to become harsher and more furious

"I will bear the burden of slaying all who oppose us who have no business doing so! for their sake....I've already accepted the fate of the damned!" He yelled as the light over took the area, jagged spire of crystal erupting around him as he used his Seishitsu to bring fourth crystal. His right arm incased in a thick, spiked, gauntlet of the material as jagged structures erupted towards Rohan. Judah charged at him, following the flow of crystals, rearing back his right arm as he went to strike the man his remaining magical power being poured into the attack "Everything! for the sake of family!"

Leios looked over for a moment when he realized the Earth Warlord was speaking to him, "Oh, yeah I took her out, but left her alive. That dark warlord showed up after the fight and took her away, so I assume he'll have her wounds tended to."

Naro wrote:Rohan was ready to charge in at Judah to begin his final attack but hearing a very familiar voice, not one he liked, made him lose concentration. That voice came from the one and only... "Leios!" He turned around to face him, technically ignoring Judah, as if their fight was done and he was now fighting Leios. That bastard had the guts to come and make some cheeky comment right in front of his face, that's why he hated Leios so much... he took deep breathes and counted to 10 to calm down and continue his fight "What are your doing here Leios? You know what! I don't care... I might just fight you instead" he said. He was a little shocked by the news, so he already has beaten one? Rohan is gonna have to step it up "to be fair, he has the advantage in the desert, and..." he turned back to face Judah again and getting into his fight stance once more "you look pretty injured with those bandages, you took a beating, but that's expected from a weakling like you... the son of Kios... you aren't living up to the expectations you know, well I'll deal with you later" now he was gonna concentrate on Judah, and finish him without anymore distractions.

Iggy was pretty confused, who was this Leios guy and those other 2? More warlords? No it couldn't be, he just shook his head and stepped back a few more feet pulling Sahara along with him "I think Rohan is ready to use that now" he said, only Iggy knew what was going to happened next... he just didn't know who was gonna come out more injured.

"This is good opportunity to show Leios my new technique! One that will surpass kios, no! Jove!" He said with a cocky grim, it was really a beautifully powerful technique, and Rohan was the only one that could deliver such technique "what was that? Hmmmm you don't know of what I'm capable of!" Judah was beginning to sound pretty creepy with all that make them pay with blood stuff. That was another reason Rohan couldn't let him live "just shut up at me and come at me" he said and immediately after that Judah did come at him with some crystals "do you really think some crystal is gonna stop me? Come on Judah!" He threw a punch releasing a beam of kiko taking care of the crystal coming at him, now to deal with that crystal gaunlet. Rohan rushed to Judah just like he did with Rohan, he pulled back his right fist which started glowing red and clashed with Judah's gauntlet "bites the dust". Once it made contact with Judah's fist it created a massive explosion, hurting both them equally and knocking both back... but unlike Judah... Rohan knew of the knock back so he was ready for his next attack. His left arm started glowing just a few seconds ago and released an explosion behind him. Sending Rohan towards Judah at an incredible speed, he was able to stop in front of Judah and pulled back his fist once again while Judah was still unable to block, his fist was glowing red again but this time there was a small stream of fire twirling around his hand. There was something weird about this one though, Rohan's hand was shaking. All of this happened so fast even Rohan barely able to take action, he delivered a devastating blow to Judah's sternum. Rohan was barely able to handle the power but was able to control it in the end, unlike the other one... this attack didn't explode. Rohan sent all of that kiko and fire energy into Judah's body causing the explosion to be inside, of course the impact of punch broke Rohan's hand and Judah's rib cage. The explosion took care of the rest of his body "Another One Bites The Dust..." Judah was sent flying but before he could get out of range, Rohan caught his leg "There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man" he said pulling kids back toward him "And bring him to the ground" he kneed his spine after saying that " You can beat him" he elbowed his stomach "You can cheat him" then let him dropped to the ground " You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down" the fight was over, Judah couldn't recover from that so now it was time to get some information out of him.

Rohan kneeled down next to Judah and took a deep breath and looked at Judah's condition "most of your bones are broken, your blood is boiling and burning you from the inside... you're dying Judah, so now tell me the location of all the other warlords"

"Of course! I'd love it if we fought instead, I've been itching to have a go for awhile actually. You'll have to prove you're at least a match for me since you're lagging behind here a bit." Leios clenched his teeth as Rohan continued his remarks, "Yeah well you know sometimes getting shot in the back after the fight will do that to you. I'm the one who got 1v2ed while it seems you had a 3v1 going on here. It's you that still has to live up to expectations." Leios was shocked to be blown back by Rohan's move from even where he was standing, "That is quite an attack. At least it was a flashy finale. Hmm, it is kind of similar to the move I used to finish off Ying in a certain aspect though..." He brushed the dust off after Rohan ended the fight, "Welp, you really have killed him. Once you're done with the interrogation let's head over to the Library. And I'm sure my dad won't mind your friends coming too. Also, I have something for you Rohan once you're feeling better."
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Join date : 2017-05-07

Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:13 pm
Iskios wrote:
Sammich wrote:
Kamila made it plenty clear her participation was begrudging. But she was far from an uncooperative child. She mad her displeasure clear in her acute compliance. Her silence and begrudging expression could also be thought to contribute to her rebellion, but she was just like that all the time. She ensured a decent pace, close enough to be safe on the road, far enough where it would be awkward to include her in conversation.

In the desert she began to feel a sense of comfort that made her... uneasy. It was the shifting sound of sand and the earnest sun that lulled her into some sort of listless mind state. She fought to keep her focus, especially as an uneasy knot formed in her stomach. Something was happening, up ahead. She opened her mouth to warn them, but she nearly ran into Leios as they had already stopped, observing a swirling storm over the dune. Her heart picked up pace, a sense of wonder over taking her, she swore her eyelids lifted a millimeter.

The conversation was clear around her, but her gaze never drifted, sure as Takumi said, a geyser of fire illuminated the roiling sand. Her fingers curled and itched. Who or what was making THAT happen? Her focus turned to Leios as soon as 'reward' was mentioned. She gave a slight smile, "Smart of you not to assume things about a stranger.", in the next second however the smile flipped and increased ten fold. "What are you doing?" She hissed under her breath, taking a step to follow. But she whipped around, securing Takumi's gaze, for a moment before releasing a noise of disgust and melding into the dune, pursuing the son of the heroes.

Leios noticed that Takumi and Kamila followed him after all, he thought to himself, 'Glad to see that.'

Leios looked over for a moment when he realized the Earth Warlord was speaking to him, "Oh, yeah I took her out, but left her alive. That dark warlord showed up after the fight and took her away, so I assume he'll have her wounds tended to."

Naro wrote:Rohan was ready to charge in at Judah to begin his final attack but hearing a very familiar voice, not one he liked, made him lose concentration. That voice came from the one and only... "Leios!" He turned around to face him, technically ignoring Judah, as if their fight was done and he was now fighting Leios. That bastard had the guts to come and make some cheeky comment right in front of his face, that's why he hated Leios so much... he took deep breathes and counted  to 10 to calm down and continue his fight "What are your doing here Leios? You know what! I don't care... I might just fight you instead" he said. He was a little shocked by the news, so he already has beaten one? Rohan is gonna have to step it up "to be fair, he has the advantage in the desert, and..." he turned back to face Judah again and getting into his fight stance once more "you look pretty injured with those bandages, you took a beating, but that's expected from a weakling like you... the son of Kios... you aren't living up to the expectations you know, well I'll deal with you later" now he was gonna concentrate on Judah, and finish him without anymore distractions.

Iggy was pretty confused, who was this Leios guy and those other 2? More warlords? No it couldn't be, he just shook his head and stepped back a few more feet pulling Sahara along with him "I think Rohan is ready to use that now" he said, only Iggy knew what was going to happened next... he just didn't know who was gonna come out more injured.

"This is good opportunity to show Leios my new technique! One that will surpass kios, no! Jove!" He said with a cocky grim, it was really a beautifully powerful technique, and Rohan was the only one that could deliver such technique "what was that? Hmmmm you don't know of what I'm capable of!" Judah was beginning to sound pretty creepy with all that make them pay with blood stuff. That was another reason Rohan couldn't let him live "just shut up at me and come at me" he said and immediately after that Judah did come at him with some crystals "do you really think some crystal is gonna stop me? Come on Judah!" He threw a punch releasing a beam of kiko taking care of the crystal coming at him, now to deal with that crystal gaunlet. Rohan rushed to Judah just like he did with Rohan, he pulled back his right fist which started glowing red and clashed with Judah's gauntlet "bites the dust". Once it made contact with Judah's fist it created a massive explosion, hurting both them equally and knocking both back... but unlike Judah... Rohan knew of the knock back so he was ready for his next attack. His left arm started glowing just a few seconds ago and released an explosion behind him. Sending Rohan towards Judah at an incredible speed, he was able to stop in front of Judah and pulled back his fist once again while Judah was still unable to block, his fist was glowing red again but this time there was a small stream of fire twirling around his hand. There was something weird about this one though, Rohan's hand was shaking. All of this happened so fast even Rohan barely able to take action, he delivered a devastating blow to Judah's sternum. Rohan was barely able to handle the power but was able to control it in the end, unlike the other one... this attack didn't explode. Rohan sent all of that kiko and fire energy into Judah's body causing the explosion to be inside, of course the impact of punch broke Rohan's hand and Judah's rib cage. The explosion took care of the rest of his body "Another One Bites The Dust..." Judah was sent flying but  before he could get out of  range, Rohan caught his leg "There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man" he said pulling kids back toward him "And bring him to the ground" he kneed his spine after saying that " You can beat him"  he elbowed his stomach "You can cheat him" then let him dropped to the ground " You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down" the fight was over, Judah couldn't recover from that so now it was time to get some information out of him.

Rohan kneeled down next to Judah and took a deep breath and looked at Judah's condition "most of your bones are broken, your blood is boiling and burning you from the inside... you're dying Judah, so now tell me the location of all the other warlords"

"Of course! I'd love it if we fought instead, I've been itching to have a go for awhile actually. You'll have to prove you're at least a match for me since you're lagging behind here a bit." Leios clenched his teeth as Rohan continued his remarks, "Yeah well you know sometimes getting shot in the back after the fight will do that to you. I'm the one who got 1v2ed while it seems you had a 3v1 going on here. It's you that still has to live up to expectations." Leios was shocked to be blown back by Rohan's move from even where he was standing, "That is quite an attack. At least it was a flashy finale. Hmm, it is kind of similar to the move I used to finish off Ying in a certain aspect though..." He brushed the dust off after Rohan ended the fight, "Welp, you really have killed him. Once you're done with the interrogation let's head over to the Library. And I'm sure my dad won't mind your friends coming too. Also, I have something for you Rohan once you're feeling better."
Judah's eyes shot wide open as both Rohan and his attacks clashed, feeling the crystal crackin, he tried to counter with his arm. But the pain was too much as he looked down at his decommissioned arm, before looking at Rohan with anger. The next moment a fierce explosion overtook him as he was blasted back, "I-Impossible!!!" He roared in pain. After that Judah was blasted with a large barrage of  attacks on Rohan's behalf. Pain coursing through him as he coughed up blood and was body was damaged even further, shock overcame him as a foreign feeling came over him.

'I've...lost!?' He thought in disbelief as his body began to go numb from pain, 'Master, everyone, i'm so sorry...Forgive me. I've failed you

"Oi! Old hag" a younger looking Judah yelled in a temple like ruin, a cloacked figure in the same room visibly recoiled at the name as she snapped around at the bratty kid. "I WILL SMACK YOU IF YOU CALL ME THAT!" She yelled at him, Judah seemed unfazed by her as he spoke up.

"Hey, old hag" the woman growled threateningly, " why did you chose me? To do this training and stuff" he asked with a raised brow, noting his masters confused silence he continued. "The others are all for this kill Jove plan, so am i...though i could care less about my parents death, but...everyone seems to have a purpose, goal" he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down, "Lnna wants to heal the sick, Ying wants to destroy the crime syndicate in Wu-Long, the twins want to help you save the world" he saud solemnly, looking up at her he frowned "I'm just some no good street thug..."

Looking at the young boy, the master spoke " know that's not true. I took you in cause i believe you have a chance to improve your life. You don't have a goal, that's fine..." she spoke as she walked up to him and placed a hand on his head. "Then find a goal, remember...i may be raising you, but i am by no means forcing you to stand with me...if you have no reason to fight. So be it, then you need not fight" taking her hand away she processed to walk away, but stopped at Judah's voice.

"I have a reason to fight...i want to stand and fight...because-"
[Flashback ends~]

'I wish to support those kind people who took me in...and accepted me...' Judah crashed to the ground as he groaned in pain, looking up at the sky with a shocked expression. His body ached, blood burned, and bones shattered he kay defeated as he glared at the sky. Hearing Rohan speak, he managed to grumble out "...i'm dying?" It sure felt like it. Judah, however, ignored the pain as he began to laugh "You really...are a dumb low-life scum..." he groaned as he grinned, "Did you think...i'd just betray my family...the people who took me in...and raised me...just because 'I'm dying'?...Ha...hahaha!" Going into a coughing fit as the pain came to him, he spat som blood out of his mouth before Grining. Closing his eyes his grin fell as he thought of something, "you really think beating me and Ying matter? You still don't have a chance" he mocked before opening his eyes, "howeve...if you truly think you can beat them...go ahead, and try..."

Glaring at Rohan he spoke with a fierce tone "Your life isn't even worth a single of theirs...they are much better people then you...and me..." his head falling back his voice was getting weak as his strength sapped out with his blood. "But, if there is anyone other than must kill..." forcing himself to move his head up he look at him with a warning in his eyes "The Warlord of Fire, Ryuji...Brimstone. We all have a purpose in the benefit humanity. Mine is wipe out pirates...Ying to dismantle crime..." he paused before doing his best to take a serious gaze through the pain "Ryuji' to be kept on a leash...he's not stable, only respects and the master. If allowed to live unchecked by her...there is no telling how much choas could come of it..." coughing harhly, Judah's head fell back...through heavy breaths, he spoke his last words "'s...not safe to...t-to leave an oven on when it has...a" falling limp his eyes grew dark "go...protect and friends. I'll se Hell, Rohan Yosenju"

Judah Amentuankh: Deceased
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:44 pm
DannyGirl~ wrote:Lissandra cursed under her breath as the blonde managed step from her reach, causing her to move past the woman as something of a makeshift water whip lashed down her spine. Despite her added momentum he flames gave to step, the whip did manage to make contact. Though, luckily, her shirt received most of the blow. Or what was left of it that was.

She was nearing her time to wrap up their fight, nearly convinced that the women as beyond her help, though still mentally debating her conclusion. The blonde was stubborn, and hopelessly mislead from early on in her youth... That last part was the only thing keeping Lissandra from completely outwitting Lnna at that point in their battle. By that time Lnna had already given her the information she needed, and her first priority should've been to head back to her team in Seiya. However her lingering sympathies for the warlord kept her in check for the most part.

"I never argued that statement! Jove did horrible, unspeakable, things, but right now he's doing good things. Seiya depends on his leadership. Don't misunderstand, if he were to revert back to his old ways I'd be there to fight alongside my parents to defend this world... But right now the only group threatening the balance of an entire nation is you warlosers!" Liss shot back immediately, attempting to take her time to speak with the woman though time was of the essence. Lnna wasn't making her choice any easier for her. If she wouldn't open her eyes to the truth then Lissandra couldn't just let her go... She couldn't risk the threat that she imposed to her family. However she also didn't want the blood of someone so misguided staining her hands, and weighing down on her conscience.

Then again, she wasn't being left much of a choice at all.

With her feet frozen to the ground, and thin needles made of ice launching towards her, the young woman knew she had to act. There was no more time to prolong their battle. Her life was on the line, as well as her family's... She'd have to worry about her feelings of pity and guilt after their struggle came to an end. Taking in a deep breath before erupting from head to toe in hot white flames as a few needle scrapped across her cheeks and sides, Lissandra then launched herself to orbit. In a flash amist the brilliant vibrant dance of her flames, the Arena fighter took her rightful place as the offensive striker. Lnna had taken too much of her time already. Her clothes were torn, her body bruised and bloodied, though her pride had yet to falter. Just for one single moment, the auburn haired teen wished to believe that she could stand as an equal to those in her family. Deep down, part of her might have even begun to consider such a notion as a true possibly.

As her hands stretched forward, Liss' fury rained down among Lnna in short hot bursts. It was as the depths of hell had swallowed up the blue skies, staining them red as the atmosphere grew hot and dry. The snow began to evaporated, carried up to the cursed fiery rains above as Lnna was left to avoid the unpredictable cries from above. The land around the blonde slowly gave away to impacts falling for her, resembling what one might suspect had been a meteor shower. Meanwhile the plants buried beneath the snow turned to ash, which began to twist and turn within the choatic dance of the air.

In that moment Lissandra expirenced something she couldn't quite describe. Every emotion, fear, and feeling of inability came to life, and yet they were free from their usual sting. The girl's expression left blank, her eyes calm and chaotic in the same instance. Her scarlet eyes burning as brightly as the fire encircling her frame. "I don't despise you, Lnna, so I apologize for what is to come. However my family means more to me than anything. Now I'd my time to fight for them, just as they fought for those they cared about so many years ago."
"We are restoring order!" Lnna replied as she prepatec herself, "Jove is not the first king to die! And Seiya will not be the first to lose a king to bloodshed!" She yelled at the girl, a look of doudt coming across her face 'Would that really restore order?' She thought to herself, true as it may be that Jove is a monster undeserved a second chance, it is just as true that Seiya has been in peace since his defeat. 'We are different then Jove, and will kill him and any who oppose the order to restore justice...' she thougt angrily, though as she witnessed Liss fly up as the snow melted around her, she couldn't help the feeling that thise words...felt wrong.

Looking up wide eyed as a multitudeof explosions ripped theough the area, Lnba braced herself as she had been hit by a large barrage of them. Her clothing being turn as a harsh burn graced her back. 'How is she this strong!' She thought as she drawn her power fourth, a massive flash of hand movements, a massive storm of snow and ice erupted up. A mighty fortress of ice stood around Lnna, a fortress of Lnna's cold logic against Lissandra's fiery passion. Letting the coolness dampen her burn, she growled as age felt the massive ice structure shake and begin to crumble from the fiery rage ' this the strength of her conviction?' She questions, as she took in a breath ' taught me to stay true to myself, and i will...' she reminded herself of the past, of her teachings...but she couldn't help like she was forgetting the importance of that lesson.

Glaring as rhe fortress finally crashed apart, Lnna wasted no time as she created a pillar of ice that erupted into the air, with her on it "fighting for your family is a worthy thing, Lnna spoke as she dodged the flames, wincing in pain from the heat as it dragged across her burns. She had intended that to stay as a final statement, but she couldn't help but ask "But id the cause that fighting for your family was something you could not follow...would you fight with them...or follow your own conviction and path you believe is correct?" Her tone was not mocking, nor was it one she meant as a possible challenge...her tone was that of a genuine concern, seeking an awnser. Glaring at her, Lnna entered a different stance, 'Style Change: fire!' She thought as Lnna suddenly shot forward, a torrent of water coming from her feet as she assaulted the girl with a fast and fierce strikes with her hands encased in ice, and blast of water from kicks. Though her movements seemed off both from pain...and, a possible lack of resolve.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:36 pm
Rohan was able to control his breathing again after a few seconds, but he was still injured. The hole on his left arm, all the small cuts, and now his broken hand. He still had 5 more warlords to go. He chose to ignore Leios presence and focus on Judah who was laying on the ground, dying... even when he's dying Judah was still mocking Rohan, but he kept quiet and just stared st him. Rohan was a member of a gang from katgutsuchi but he has never killed anyone before, Judah was his first kill. He felt weird, but there was no other choice. Finally coming back to reality as Judah spoke his last words "The fire warlord? That's back home... Sh!t... that means he can be attacking my family right now" he quietly said as he looked back at Judah and made eye contact "yeah, see you in hell" he replied as he watch him die.

He crouched down and took a few deep breathes, with his good hand he fired a kiko blast at the sand next to Judah, making a whole big enough for him. He wasn't gonna let his body out here like that, so he buried him. He let out a big sigh then took of his white t shirt and began to wipe the blood. Using his fire seishitsu he burned all the cuts around his body and the whole on his left arm, but they left little scars, nothing Natsumi or his mom's healing couldn't handle. He split his shirt in too and wrapped it tightly on his bicep with the small hole and his broken hand.

Off to the side was Iggy along with Sahara, and honestly he was pretty shocked, he didn't think that was how the technique was going to turn out, but in the end they won. He stayed quiet until Rohan was ready to talk.

The redhead quickly glanced over to Iggy "give me my jacket back" he said as Iggy tossed it to him. Finally acknowledging Leios and turned to face him as he was putting on his jacket "you're still here? and what library? You don't mean the 'secret' library your dad has, everyone pretty much knows about it... sure we can go over there first. As for my friends..." he walked over to Iggy and Sahara and bowed down his head "thanks for the support" he quickly said trying to do as fast as possible so Leios wouldn't have the chance to mock him "Iggy I have a special mission for you, take Sahara back to her town. You guys can ride my bike"

"Understood!" The blond kid said.

He finally approached Sahara "are you ok?" He asked trying to hold back the pain from his hand "if you guys are hurt then Iggy can take you over to kagutsuchi, my mom is the best healer in the world"
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Age : 26
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:24 am
For Sahara, the fight between Rohan and Judah seemed to drag on for hours while she helplessly fought one of her own. Though her's was a battle of will power against a bloodthirsty mystical being. Due to the intense pressure she was under mentally, and her pounding headache, the young woman wasn't able to make sense of much going on around her. The Lady's impatient demands for Judah's head drowning out most all of her very thoughts... However there was one comment which still managed to reach her, one that even a goddess couldn't distract her from. Rohan's blunt proclamation that he intended to marry right before he asked Iggy to drag her to safety.

Honestly, even if she could've spoken Sahara wouldn't of had a reply for that. While she'd already pegged Rohan as a player, she hadn't imagined he'd still be so forward after everything she'd told him. And though he insisted he wasn't the type of man she was so against, his sudden proposal wasn't helping her believe him. However she did believe him to be a good decent man at heart.

Now, if you can imagine having this analysis run through your head whilst arguing with an already angered magic lady, Sahara can testify that it's just as horrifyingly awkward as it sounds. If not more so. Words could not describe how uncomfortable their argument grew to be from their. The emerald haired teen had not asked for the nosy goddesses opinion on the matter, nor would she ever repeat the things that she'd been told that day. The Lady of the Waste wasn't nearly as pretty and nice as she'd first appeared. In the end, everything about her came down to power. Sahara wasn't sure the woman would ever quench her thirst for blood. Taking a life just lead to taking another... By the time she finally rid of the goddess and her unholy thoughts, Sahara sincerely wished she'd never agreed to help her.

Gasping for air as the awful woman left her body, the young woman realized it was already too late for that. Glancing out in front of her as Rohan finished burying Judah, Sahara was left with both the guilt that she'd help killed a man and relief that Rohan seemed to be alright. What an unbelievable day... Never in her life had she expected to become part of a conflict so massive. This wasn't just a battle, it was a war. Life's were at stake, and some were already lost.

Meanwhile she was left completely and utterly drained, her breathing still falling rugged and her head pounding harshly against her skull. Not to mention to sudden lack of power which rendered her senshitsu useless. Though luckily the fight was over. She was left almost on the verge of falling asleep, though filled with an entirely new admiration towards Zofia. How anyone could partner with the Lady of the Waste for so long was a secret lost upon the heroes passing.

Blinking rapidly as Rohan's question drew her back out from her thoughts, Sahara took a few moments to slow her rapid heartbeat before nodding hesitantly in reply. In reality she really wasn't sure if she was alright or not. Physically she only had minor injures, but mentally and emotionally... She'd gone head to head with a goddess and  seen Judah's dead body. Neither of those things where okay.

Slowly forcing herself to her feet, Sahara finally noticed the new group of teens. However she had no clue as to who they were or where they'd come from. Oh well, they didn't seem to be part of the group attempting to kill Rohan's family. As her gaze fell to the ground, tear began to slowly stream down the young woman's cheeks. In that moment all of her emotions finally kicked in, and she was left embracing both Rohan and Iggy at the same time by instinct. Relief flooded through her as she held the two in her arms, and buried her head into Rohan's chest. They were all okay. Everything was fine.

"I-I'm alright... J-Just... Never make a deal with a goddess."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:57 am
Derekjay2000 wrote:
Judah's eyes shot wide open as both Rohan and his attacks clashed, feeling the crystal crackin, he tried to counter with his arm. But the pain was too much as he looked down at his decommissioned arm, before looking at Rohan with anger. The next moment a fierce explosion overtook him as he was blasted back, "I-Impossible!!!" He roared in pain. After that Judah was blasted with a large barrage of  attacks on Rohan's behalf. Pain coursing through him as he coughed up blood and was body was damaged even further, shock overcame him as a foreign feeling came over him.

'I've...lost!?' He thought in disbelief as his body began to go numb from pain, 'Master, everyone, i'm so sorry...Forgive me. I've failed you

"Oi! Old hag" a younger looking Judah yelled in a temple like ruin, a cloacked figure in the same room visibly recoiled at the name as she snapped around at the bratty kid. "I WILL SMACK YOU IF YOU CALL ME THAT!" She yelled at him, Judah seemed unfazed by her as he spoke up.

"Hey, old hag" the woman growled threateningly, " why did you chose me? To do this training and stuff" he asked with a raised brow, noting his masters confused silence he continued. "The others are all for this kill Jove plan, so am i...though i could care less about my parents death, but...everyone seems to have a purpose, goal" he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down, "Lnna wants to heal the sick, Ying wants to destroy the crime syndicate in Wu-Long, the twins want to help you save the world" he saud solemnly, looking up at her he frowned "I'm just some no good street thug..."

Looking at the young boy, the master spoke " know that's not true. I took you in cause i believe you have a chance to improve your life. You don't have a goal, that's fine..." she spoke as she walked up to him and placed a hand on his head. "Then find a goal, remember...i may be raising you, but i am by no means forcing you to stand with me...if you have no reason to fight. So be it, then you need not fight" taking her hand away she processed to walk away, but stopped at Judah's voice.

"I have a reason to fight...i want to stand and fight...because-"
[Flashback ends~]

'I wish to support those kind people who took me in...and accepted me...' Judah crashed to the ground as he groaned in pain, looking up at the sky with a shocked expression. His body ached, blood burned, and bones shattered he kay defeated as he glared at the sky. Hearing Rohan speak, he managed to grumble out "...i'm dying?" It sure felt like it. Judah, however, ignored the pain as he began to laugh "You really...are a dumb low-life scum..." he groaned as he grinned, "Did you think...i'd just betray my family...the people who took me in...and raised me...just because 'I'm dying'?...Ha...hahaha!" Going into a coughing fit as the pain came to him, he spat som blood out of his mouth before Grining. Closing his eyes his grin fell as he thought of something, "you really think beating me and Ying matter? You still don't have a chance" he mocked before opening his eyes, "howeve...if you truly think you can beat them...go ahead, and try..."

Glaring at Rohan he spoke with a fierce tone "Your life isn't even worth a single of theirs...they are much better people then you...and me..." his head falling back his voice was getting weak as his strength sapped out with his blood. "But, if there is anyone other than must kill..." forcing himself to move his head up he look at him with a warning in his eyes "The Warlord of Fire, Ryuji...Brimstone. We all have a purpose in the benefit humanity. Mine is wipe out pirates...Ying to dismantle crime..." he paused before doing his best to take a serious gaze through the pain "Ryuji' to be kept on a leash...he's not stable, only respects and the master. If allowed to live unchecked by her...there is no telling how much choas could come of it..." coughing harhly, Judah's head fell back...through heavy breaths, he spoke his last words "'s...not safe to...t-to leave an oven on when it has...a" falling limp his eyes grew dark "go...protect and friends. I'll se Hell, Rohan Yosenju"

Judah Amentuankh: Deceased

Naro wrote:Rohan was able to control his breathing again after a few seconds, but he was still injured. The hole on his left arm, all the small cuts, and now his broken hand. He still had 5 more warlords to go. He chose to ignore Leios presence and focus on Judah who was laying on the ground, dying... even when he's dying Judah was still mocking Rohan, but he kept quiet and just stared st him. Rohan was a member of a gang from katgutsuchi but he has never killed anyone before, Judah was his first kill. He felt weird, but there was no other choice. Finally coming back to reality as Judah spoke his last words "The fire warlord? That's back home... Sh!t... that means he can be attacking my family right now" he quietly said as he looked back at Judah and made eye contact "yeah, see you in hell" he replied as he watch him die.

He crouched down and took a few deep breathes, with his good hand he fired a kiko blast at the sand next to Judah, making a whole big enough for him. He wasn't gonna let his body out here like that, so he buried him. He let out a big sigh then took of his white t shirt and began to wipe the blood. Using his fire seishitsu he burned all the cuts around his body and the whole on his left arm, but they left little scars, nothing Natsumi or his mom's healing couldn't handle. He split his shirt in too and wrapped it tightly on his bicep with the small hole and his broken hand.

Off to the side was Iggy along with Sahara, and honestly he was pretty shocked, he didn't think that was how the technique was going to turn out, but in the end they won. He stayed quiet until Rohan was ready to talk.

The redhead quickly glanced over to Iggy "give me my jacket back" he said as Iggy tossed it to him. Finally acknowledging Leios and turned to face him as he was putting on his jacket "you're still here? and what library? You don't mean the 'secret' library your dad has, everyone pretty much knows about it... sure we can go over there first. As for my friends..." he walked over to Iggy and Sahara and bowed down his head "thanks for the support" he quickly said trying to do as fast as possible so Leios wouldn't have the chance to mock him "Iggy I have a special mission for you, take Sahara back to her town. You guys can ride my bike"

"Understood!" The blond kid said.

He finally approached Sahara "are you ok?" He asked trying to hold back the pain from his hand "if you guys are hurt then Iggy can take you over to kagutsuchi, my mom is the best healer in the world"

DannyGirl~ wrote:For Sahara, the fight between Rohan and Judah seemed to drag on for hours while she helplessly fought one of her own. Though her's was a battle of will power against a bloodthirsty mystical being. Due to the intense pressure she was under mentally, and her pounding headache, the young woman wasn't able to make sense of much going on around her. The Lady's impatient demands for Judah's head drowning out most all of her very thoughts... However there was one comment which still managed to reach her, one that even a goddess couldn't distract her from. Rohan's blunt proclamation that he intended to marry right before he asked Iggy to drag her to safety.

Honestly, even if she could've spoken Sahara wouldn't of had a reply for that. While she'd already pegged Rohan as a player, she hadn't imagined he'd still be so forward after everything she'd told him. And though he insisted he wasn't the type of man she was so against, his sudden proposal wasn't helping her believe him. However she did believe him to be a good decent man at heart.

Now, if you can imagine having this analysis run through your head whilst arguing with an already angered magic lady, Sahara can testify that it's just as horrifyingly awkward as it sounds. If not more so. Words could not describe how uncomfortable their argument grew to be from their. The emerald haired teen had not asked for the nosy goddesses opinion on the matter, nor would she ever repeat the things that she'd been told that day. The Lady of the Waste wasn't nearly as pretty and nice as she'd first appeared. In the end, everything about her came down to power. Sahara wasn't sure the woman would ever quench her thirst for blood. Taking a life just lead to taking another... By the time she finally rid of the goddess and her unholy thoughts, Sahara sincerely wished she'd never agreed to help her.

Gasping for air as the awful woman left her body, the young woman realized it was already too late for that. Glancing out in front of her as Rohan finished burying Judah, Sahara was left with both the guilt that she'd help killed a man and relief that Rohan seemed to be alright. What an unbelievable day... Never in her life had she expected to become part of a conflict so massive. This wasn't just a battle, it was a war. Life's were at stake, and some were already lost.

Meanwhile she was left completely and utterly drained, her breathing still falling rugged and her head pounding harshly against her skull. Not to mention to sudden lack of power which rendered her senshitsu useless. Though luckily the fight was over. She was left almost on the verge of falling asleep, though filled with an entirely new admiration towards Zofia. How anyone could partner with the Lady of the Waste for so long was a secret lost upon the heroes passing.

Blinking rapidly as Rohan's question drew her back out from her thoughts, Sahara took a few moments to slow her rapid heartbeat before nodding hesitantly in reply. In reality she really wasn't sure if she was alright or not. Physically she only had minor injures, but mentally and emotionally... She'd gone head to head with a goddess and  seen Judah's dead body. Neither of those things where okay.

Slowly forcing herself to her feet, Sahara finally noticed the new group of teens. However she had no clue as to who they were or where they'd come from. Oh well, they didn't seem to be part of the group attempting to kill Rohan's family. As her gaze fell to the ground, tear began to slowly stream down the young woman's cheeks. In that moment all of her emotions finally kicked in, and she was left embracing both Rohan and Iggy at the same time by instinct. Relief flooded through her as she held the two in her arms, and buried her head into Rohan's chest. They were all okay. Everything was fine.

"I-I'm alright... J-Just... Never make a deal with a goddess."

Judah's death was a little saddening in that he seemed remorseful that he failed his 'family'. Leios hadn't fought, or really interacted with the warlord so he couldn't feel much more empathetic than that, but he felt it was important to know that they were still human as he had already found out with Ying earlier. Leios was rather surprised when he saw how Rohan was acting towards the two he had never met before, he almost seemed friendly? It couldn't be more than that Leios thought, but he wasn't entirely sure. Judah's statement about the fire warlord troubled him quite a bit however, but in order to deal with him going to the library was still necessary. So Leios had to corral everyone back, speaking towards Rohan and his two friends, "I'm sorry to cut into your conversation but we should head over to the library soon. I know you're aware of the library Rohan, but I'm the only one here who actually knows how to get there. And Rohan, we'll discuss that fire warlord when we get there." Turning to his travel companions he smiled broadly, "Takumi, Kamila, you guys stayed around after all! Come with us to the library and I'll compensate you guys quickly."

********* Time skip to the Library *********

Leios, followed by the others, waltzed through the unlocked but obscure entrance to his father's favorite library. "Huh, it's not usually unlocked. A certain someone must have been expecting us..." Quickly jumping down to the ground floor he forged ahead towards the lit up portion of the library not waiting for the others. He only expected his father, but was confronted with his uncle and more unexpectedly, his mother which understandably caused his some pause, "M-mom? Ha, what are you doing here? I...thought you would still be home. Oh by the way, I found everything I was looking for at the mall, just uh got a little lost on the way back, yeah." He quickly looked over to his father for support who had only just then started paying attention. Sighing in defeat he went over and hugged and greeted his uncle, Zach I, while he waited for the inevitable lecture from his mother. "Long time no see Uncle, what brings you, my dad, and my mom here at the same time?" Greeting Kios too he immediately started his requests, "Hey Kios, so I need you to find some way to get aid to Fuji and also is there anything shiny and expensive here in the library that you may or may not be willing to part with?" He then lastly, but not leastly, hugged Danyell, "Sorry for not telling you that I went off on my own, or that Lissandra went first, before me that I did so that is." Turning back to the group that followed behind him he introduced them, "Hey you guys, this is my father, Kios. This is my mother, Danyell. And this is my uncle, Zachariah Fahlih the First."

Kios raised an eyebrow.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:27 am
Rohan at out a big sigh as he heard Leios speak again, he was just saying goodbye to his friends "shut it Leios, Anyway... Iggy please take Sahara back to her hometown. Like I said take my bike, I'll regroup with you guys later" he said waving at the 2 and walking away with Leios "im not going to library cause you asked me to, I'm going there because I want to" he said as they walked over to the other 2 that Leios brought with him "these your companions I guess?" He said as he crossed his arms and stood in the back.

"Don't worry Rohan! I'll make sure she gets home" he said as he reached out for her hand and pulled her along with him over to Rohan's bike "he'll be fine don't worry about your boyfriend, so when's the wedding?" Iggy said jokingly.

Rohan had only heard of the library but he didn't know it was that big, he was thinking of something smaller. Bet he can find a book to help him with kiko or fire seishitsu, but right now he had to focus on the fire warlord. Rohan followed the group and stayed at the back, he let Leios greet his parents and all that shenanigans first before he told them of what had happened a few minutes earlier "Cut the Sh!t Leios, your little boy wasn't at the mall. Neither are the rest. They went out to fight the warlord just like myself, Leios was able to take one down... I just took another one down" he leaned against the wall and looked around the place "Zach I... listen carefully... what I'm about to say may be hard for you guys, but... Zofia was killed by the earth warlord outside the Nil capital... I was too late to help her, but if it makes you feel better... Judah will no longer be a threat to us... I killed him" he walked over to the bookshelves and began searching for a book, he grabbed a few books on fire seishitsu but he couldn't find one on kiko "I'm going after the fire seishitsu, he's back at the homeland"
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:40 pm
Derekjay2000 wrote:

Derekjay2000 wrote:
Crossing his arms, he was expecting the answer from Leios to be that they would get involved....however, that didn't mean he enjoyed it any more than possible. Mumbling some curses under his breath at the confirmation, he was very intrigued by the offer of help possibly from this 'Library' and he was sure from the rare sight of a grin from Kamilla that she was interested in it's expensive contents. Glaring hard at the young man before them, he hated to admit it...but he was good at convincing others. Debating in his head if this "Supposed" help would be worth it, his fortitude was crushed when Kamila caught his gaze. Looking into her eyes for a bit, before she broke the silence with a offended noise, he threw his hands out in a expression of 'The hell did I do!' before slouching down as he also begrudgingly followed after the two.

Leios noticed that Takumi and Kamila followed him after all, he thought to himself, 'Glad to see that.'

Derekjay2000 wrote:
Protecting his face with his one arm Judah growled as Rohan dispelled his sand and earth. Glaring at him, Judah took the time that Rohan gave him to do his own examination. His body was pretty beat and burnt up, and his left arm was pretty torn up from the hot glass that had hardened on him...with his arm out of commission it would be difficult to fight, smirking as he looked on at his opponent Judah simply chuckled "You're not bad yourself...however, This damage is nothing compared to what some others I know are capable of..." he warned as he entered a combat stance, his left arm lying limply and his other ready to strike. W Leios arrived he was a bit surprised, 'crap more little runts!' he thought in annoyance, however he was taken back when Leios began to berate Rohan, and even more so when he spoke of defeating his comrade, "Impossible....Ying was taken out! Did you kill her!!!" he shouted in anger, worry in his voice for his comrade. Looking down he glared before moving his attention back to Rohan.

"You may not be able to afford to lose...but I REFUSE to lose..." he spoke through clenched teeth, "I owe them everything...I will make sure to repay them all for their love, and I will make sure your family pays the pain they suffered a hundred times fold!" Power began to flow through his body, focusing in the hand as the sand quivered beneath them, the particles of sand, the shards of stone, and more began to gather around him as he prepared "They are good people who deserve more than what life gave them!" A light glow began to emanate from his hand as the sand began to flow into it, "Taking in a criminal brat like me, willing to challenge legends, and the god that took away everything from us...I will repay them in your blood!" The ground began to harden and become clear and crystalized as a strange structure began to form around him as the light and sands began to become harsher and more furious

"I will bear the burden of slaying all who oppose us who have no business doing so! for their sake....I've already accepted the fate of the damned!" He yelled as the light over took the area, jagged spire of crystal erupting around him as he used his Seishitsu to bring fourth crystal. His right arm incased in a thick, spiked, gauntlet of the material as  jagged structures erupted towards Rohan. Judah charged at him, following the flow of crystals, rearing back his right arm as he went to strike the man his remaining magical power being poured into the attack "Everything! for the sake of family!"

Leios looked over for a moment when he realized the Earth Warlord was speaking to him, "Oh, yeah I took her out, but left her alive. That dark warlord showed up after the fight and took her away, so I assume he'll have her wounds tended to."

Naro wrote:Rohan was ready to charge in at Judah to begin his final attack but hearing a very familiar voice, not one he liked, made him lose concentration. That voice came from the one and only... "Leios!" He turned around to face him, technically ignoring Judah, as if their fight was done and he was now fighting Leios. That bastard had the guts to come and make some cheeky comment right in front of his face, that's why he hated Leios so much... he took deep breathes and counted  to 10 to calm down and continue his fight "What are your doing here Leios? You know what! I don't care... I might just fight you instead" he said. He was a little shocked by the news, so he already has beaten one? Rohan is gonna have to step it up "to be fair, he has the advantage in the desert, and..." he turned back to face Judah again and getting into his fight stance once more "you look pretty injured with those bandages, you took a beating, but that's expected from a weakling like you... the son of Kios... you aren't living up to the expectations you know, well I'll deal with you later" now he was gonna concentrate on Judah, and finish him without anymore distractions.

Iggy was pretty confused, who was this Leios guy and those other 2? More warlords? No it couldn't be, he just shook his head and stepped back a few more feet pulling Sahara along with him "I think Rohan is ready to use that now" he said, only Iggy knew what was going to happened next... he just didn't know who was gonna come out more injured.

"This is good opportunity to show Leios my new technique! One that will surpass kios, no! Jove!" He said with a cocky grim, it was really a beautifully powerful technique, and Rohan was the only one that could deliver such technique "what was that? Hmmmm you don't know of what I'm capable of!" Judah was beginning to sound pretty creepy with all that make them pay with blood stuff. That was another reason Rohan couldn't let him live "just shut up at me and come at me" he said and immediately after that Judah did come at him with some crystals "do you really think some crystal is gonna stop me? Come on Judah!" He threw a punch releasing a beam of kiko taking care of the crystal coming at him, now to deal with that crystal gaunlet. Rohan rushed to Judah just like he did with Rohan, he pulled back his right fist which started glowing red and clashed with Judah's gauntlet "bites the dust". Once it made contact with Judah's fist it created a massive explosion, hurting both them equally and knocking both back... but unlike Judah... Rohan knew of the knock back so he was ready for his next attack. His left arm started glowing just a few seconds ago and released an explosion behind him. Sending Rohan towards Judah at an incredible speed, he was able to stop in front of Judah and pulled back his fist once again while Judah was still unable to block, his fist was glowing red again but this time there was a small stream of fire twirling around his hand. There was something weird about this one though, Rohan's hand was shaking. All of this happened so fast even Rohan barely able to take action, he delivered a devastating blow to Judah's sternum. Rohan was barely able to handle the power but was able to control it in the end, unlike the other one... this attack didn't explode. Rohan sent all of that kiko and fire energy into Judah's body causing the explosion to be inside, of course the impact of punch broke Rohan's hand and Judah's rib cage. The explosion took care of the rest of his body "Another One Bites The Dust..." Judah was sent flying but  before he could get out of  range, Rohan caught his leg "There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man" he said pulling kids back toward him "And bring him to the ground" he kneed his spine after saying that " You can beat him"  he elbowed his stomach "You can cheat him" then let him dropped to the ground " You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down" the fight was over, Judah couldn't recover from that so now it was time to get some information out of him.

Rohan kneeled down next to Judah and took a deep breath and looked at Judah's condition "most of your bones are broken, your blood is boiling and burning you from the inside... you're dying Judah, so now tell me the location of all the other warlords"

"Of course! I'd love it if we fought instead, I've been itching to have a go for awhile actually. You'll have to prove you're at least a match for me since you're lagging behind here a bit." Leios clenched his teeth as Rohan continued his remarks, "Yeah well you know sometimes getting shot in the back after the fight will do that to you. I'm the one who got 1v2ed while it seems you had a 3v1 going on here. It's you that still has to live up to expectations." Leios was shocked to be blown back by Rohan's move from even where he was standing, "That is quite an attack. At least it was a flashy finale. Hmm, it is kind of similar to the move I used to finish off Ying in a certain aspect though..." He brushed the dust off after Rohan ended the fight, "Welp, you really have killed him. Once you're done with the interrogation let's head over to the Library. And I'm sure my dad won't mind your friends coming too. Also, I have something for you Rohan once you're feeling better."

Iskios wrote:
Derekjay2000 wrote:
Judah's eyes shot wide open as both Rohan and his attacks clashed, feeling the crystal crackin, he tried to counter with his arm. But the pain was too much as he looked down at his decommissioned arm, before looking at Rohan with anger. The next moment a fierce explosion overtook him as he was blasted back, "I-Impossible!!!" He roared in pain. After that Judah was blasted with a large barrage of  attacks on Rohan's behalf. Pain coursing through him as he coughed up blood and was body was damaged even further, shock overcame him as a foreign feeling came over him.

'I've...lost!?' He thought in disbelief as his body began to go numb from pain, 'Master, everyone, i'm so sorry...Forgive me. I've failed you

"Oi! Old hag" a younger looking Judah yelled in a temple like ruin, a cloacked figure in the same room visibly recoiled at the name as she snapped around at the bratty kid. "I WILL SMACK YOU IF YOU CALL ME THAT!" She yelled at him, Judah seemed unfazed by her as he spoke up.

"Hey, old hag" the woman growled threateningly, " why did you chose me? To do this training and stuff" he asked with a raised brow, noting his masters confused silence he continued. "The others are all for this kill Jove plan, so am i...though i could care less about my parents death, but...everyone seems to have a purpose, goal" he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down, "Lnna wants to heal the sick, Ying wants to destroy the crime syndicate in Wu-Long, the twins want to help you save the world" he saud solemnly, looking up at her he frowned "I'm just some no good street thug..."

Looking at the young boy, the master spoke " know that's not true. I took you in cause i believe you have a chance to improve your life. You don't have a goal, that's fine..." she spoke as she walked up to him and placed a hand on his head. "Then find a goal, remember...i may be raising you, but i am by no means forcing you to stand with me...if you have no reason to fight. So be it, then you need not fight" taking her hand away she processed to walk away, but stopped at Judah's voice.

"I have a reason to fight...i want to stand and fight...because-"
[Flashback ends~]

'I wish to support those kind people who took me in...and accepted me...' Judah crashed to the ground as he groaned in pain, looking up at the sky with a shocked expression. His body ached, blood burned, and bones shattered he kay defeated as he glared at the sky. Hearing Rohan speak, he managed to grumble out "...i'm dying?" It sure felt like it. Judah, however, ignored the pain as he began to laugh "You really...are a dumb low-life scum..." he groaned as he grinned, "Did you think...i'd just betray my family...the people who took me in...and raised me...just because 'I'm dying'?...Ha...hahaha!" Going into a coughing fit as the pain came to him, he spat som blood out of his mouth before Grining. Closing his eyes his grin fell as he thought of something, "you really think beating me and Ying matter? You still don't have a chance" he mocked before opening his eyes, "howeve...if you truly think you can beat them...go ahead, and try..."

Glaring at Rohan he spoke with a fierce tone "Your life isn't even worth a single of theirs...they are much better people then you...and me..." his head falling back his voice was getting weak as his strength sapped out with his blood. "But, if there is anyone other than must kill..." forcing himself to move his head up he look at him with a warning in his eyes "The Warlord of Fire, Ryuji...Brimstone. We all have a purpose in the benefit humanity. Mine is wipe out pirates...Ying to dismantle crime..." he paused before doing his best to take a serious gaze through the pain "Ryuji' to be kept on a leash...he's not stable, only respects and the master. If allowed to live unchecked by her...there is no telling how much choas could come of it..." coughing harhly, Judah's head fell back...through heavy breaths, he spoke his last words "'s...not safe to...t-to leave an oven on when it has...a" falling limp his eyes grew dark "go...protect and friends. I'll se Hell, Rohan Yosenju"

Judah Amentuankh: Deceased

Naro wrote:Rohan was able to control his breathing again after a few seconds, but he was still injured. The hole on his left arm, all the small cuts, and now his broken hand. He still had 5 more warlords to go. He chose to ignore Leios presence and focus on Judah who was laying on the ground, dying... even when he's dying Judah was still mocking Rohan, but he kept quiet and just stared st him. Rohan was a member of a gang from katgutsuchi but he has never killed anyone before, Judah was his first kill. He felt weird, but there was no other choice. Finally coming back to reality as Judah spoke his last words "The fire warlord? That's back home... Sh!t... that means he can be attacking my family right now" he quietly said as he looked back at Judah and made eye contact "yeah, see you in hell" he replied as he watch him die.

He crouched down and took a few deep breathes, with his good hand he fired a kiko blast at the sand next to Judah, making a whole big enough for him. He wasn't gonna let his body out here like that, so he buried him. He let out a big sigh then took of his white t shirt and began to wipe the blood. Using his fire seishitsu he burned all the cuts around his body and the whole on his left arm, but they left little scars, nothing Natsumi or his mom's healing couldn't handle. He split his shirt in too and wrapped it tightly on his bicep with the small hole and his broken hand.

Off to the side was Iggy along with Sahara, and honestly he was pretty shocked, he didn't think that was how the technique was going to turn out, but in the end they won. He stayed quiet until Rohan was ready to talk.

The redhead quickly glanced over to Iggy "give me my jacket back" he said as Iggy tossed it to him. Finally acknowledging Leios and turned to face him as he was putting on his jacket "you're still here? and what library? You don't mean the 'secret' library your dad has, everyone pretty much knows about it... sure we can go over there first. As for my friends..." he walked over to Iggy and Sahara and bowed down his head "thanks for the support" he quickly said trying to do as fast as possible so Leios wouldn't have the chance to mock him "Iggy I have a special mission for you, take Sahara back to her town. You guys can ride my bike"

"Understood!" The blond kid said.

He finally approached Sahara "are you ok?" He asked trying to hold back the pain from his hand "if you guys are hurt then Iggy can take you over to kagutsuchi, my mom is the best healer in the world"

DannyGirl~ wrote:For Sahara, the fight between Rohan and Judah seemed to drag on for hours while she helplessly fought one of her own. Though her's was a battle of will power against a bloodthirsty mystical being. Due to the intense pressure she was under mentally, and her pounding headache, the young woman wasn't able to make sense of much going on around her. The Lady's impatient demands for Judah's head drowning out most all of her very thoughts... However there was one comment which still managed to reach her, one that even a goddess couldn't distract her from. Rohan's blunt proclamation that he intended to marry right before he asked Iggy to drag her to safety.

Honestly, even if she could've spoken Sahara wouldn't of had a reply for that. While she'd already pegged Rohan as a player, she hadn't imagined he'd still be so forward after everything she'd told him. And though he insisted he wasn't the type of man she was so against, his sudden proposal wasn't helping her believe him. However she did believe him to be a good decent man at heart.

Now, if you can imagine having this analysis run through your head whilst arguing with an already angered magic lady, Sahara can testify that it's just as horrifyingly awkward as it sounds. If not more so. Words could not describe how uncomfortable their argument grew to be from their. The emerald haired teen had not asked for the nosy goddesses opinion on the matter, nor would she ever repeat the things that she'd been told that day. The Lady of the Waste wasn't nearly as pretty and nice as she'd first appeared. In the end, everything about her came down to power. Sahara wasn't sure the woman would ever quench her thirst for blood. Taking a life just lead to taking another... By the time she finally rid of the goddess and her unholy thoughts, Sahara sincerely wished she'd never agreed to help her.

Gasping for air as the awful woman left her body, the young woman realized it was already too late for that. Glancing out in front of her as Rohan finished burying Judah, Sahara was left with both the guilt that she'd help killed a man and relief that Rohan seemed to be alright. What an unbelievable day... Never in her life had she expected to become part of a conflict so massive. This wasn't just a battle, it was a war. Life's were at stake, and some were already lost.

Meanwhile she was left completely and utterly drained, her breathing still falling rugged and her head pounding harshly against her skull. Not to mention to sudden lack of power which rendered her senshitsu useless. Though luckily the fight was over. She was left almost on the verge of falling asleep, though filled with an entirely new admiration towards Zofia. How anyone could partner with the Lady of the Waste for so long was a secret lost upon the heroes passing.

Blinking rapidly as Rohan's question drew her back out from her thoughts, Sahara took a few moments to slow her rapid heartbeat before nodding hesitantly in reply. In reality she really wasn't sure if she was alright or not. Physically she only had minor injures, but mentally and emotionally... She'd gone head to head with a goddess and  seen Judah's dead body. Neither of those things where okay.

Slowly forcing herself to her feet, Sahara finally noticed the new group of teens. However she had no clue as to who they were or where they'd come from. Oh well, they didn't seem to be part of the group attempting to kill Rohan's family. As her gaze fell to the ground, tear began to slowly stream down the young woman's cheeks. In that moment all of her emotions finally kicked in, and she was left embracing both Rohan and Iggy at the same time by instinct. Relief flooded through her as she held the two in her arms, and buried her head into Rohan's chest. They were all okay. Everything was fine.

"I-I'm alright... J-Just... Never make a deal with a goddess."

Judah's death was a little saddening in that he seemed remorseful that he failed his 'family'. Leios hadn't fought, or really interacted with the warlord so he couldn't feel much more empathetic than that, but he felt it was important to know that they were still human as he had already found out with Ying earlier. Leios was rather surprised when he saw how Rohan was acting towards the two he had never met before, he almost seemed friendly? It couldn't be more than that Leios thought, but he wasn't entirely sure. Judah's statement about the fire warlord troubled him quite a bit however, but in order to deal with him going to the library was still necessary. So Leios had to corral everyone back, speaking towards Rohan and his two friends, "I'm sorry to cut into your conversation but we should head over to the library soon. I know you're aware of the library Rohan, but I'm the only one here who actually knows how to get there. And Rohan, we'll discuss that fire warlord when we get there." Turning to his travel companions he smiled broadly, "Takumi, Kamila, you guys stayed around after all! Come with us to the library and I'll compensate you guys quickly."

********* Time skip to the Library *********

Leios, followed by the others, waltzed through the unlocked but obscure entrance to his father's favorite library. "Huh, it's not usually unlocked. A certain someone must have been expecting us..." Quickly jumping down to the ground floor he forged ahead towards the lit up portion of the library not waiting for the others. He only expected his father, but was confronted with his uncle and more unexpectedly, his mother which understandably caused his some pause, "M-mom? Ha, what are you doing here? I...thought you would still be home. Oh by the way, I found everything I was looking for at the mall, just uh got a little lost on the way back, yeah." He quickly looked over to his father for support who had only just then started paying attention. Sighing in defeat he went over and hugged and greeted his uncle, Zach I, while he waited for the inevitable lecture from his mother. "Long time no see Uncle, what brings you, my dad, and my mom here at the same time?" Greeting Kios too he immediately started his requests, "Hey Kios, so I need you to find some way to get aid to Fuji and also is there anything shiny and expensive here in the library that you may or may not be willing to part with?" He then lastly, but not leastly, hugged Danyell, "Sorry for not telling you that I went off on my own, or that Lissandra went first, before me that I did so that is." Turning back to the group that followed behind him he introduced them, "Hey you guys, this is my father, Kios. This is my mother, Danyell. And this is my uncle, Zachariah Fahlih the First."

Kios raised an eyebrow.

Naro wrote:Rohan at out a big sigh as he heard Leios speak again, he was just saying goodbye to his friends "shut it Leios, Anyway... Iggy please take Sahara back to her hometown. Like I said take my bike, I'll regroup with you guys later" he said waving at the 2 and walking away with Leios "im not going to library cause you asked me to, I'm going there because I want to" he said as they walked over to the other 2 that Leios brought with him "these your companions I guess?" He said as he crossed his arms and stood in the back.

"Don't worry Rohan! I'll make sure she gets home" he said as he reached out for her hand and pulled her along with him over to Rohan's bike "he'll be fine don't worry about your boyfriend, so when's the wedding?" Iggy said jokingly.

Rohan had only heard of the library but he didn't know it was that big, he was thinking of something smaller. Bet he can find a book to help him with kiko or fire seishitsu, but right now he had to focus on the fire warlord. Rohan followed the group and stayed at the back, he let Leios greet his parents and all that shenanigans first before he told them of what had happened a few minutes earlier "Cut the Sh!t Leios, your little boy wasn't at the mall. Neither are the rest. They went out to fight the warlord just like myself, Leios was able to take one down... I just took another one down" he leaned against the wall and looked around the place "Zach I... listen carefully... what I'm about to say may be hard for you guys, but... Zofia was killed by the earth warlord outside the Nil capital... I was too late to help her, but if it makes you feel better... Judah will no longer be a threat to us... I killed him" he walked over to the bookshelves and began searching for a book, he grabbed a few books on fire seishitsu but he couldn't find one on kiko "I'm going after the fire seishitsu, he's back at the homeland"

Kamila was completely at a loss. A journey to Nil had been the idea. Killing people had never actually been addressed in the agreement. She emerged from the dune, critically eyeing the red haired man who dealt the final blow. She had considered that Leios had lead them into a trap, but the dialogue she had caught from the others, the vibe off the trio the encountered, they had just quelled a threat. They were solemn, but relief was evident. What sort of fiasco had she stumbled onto?

She scoffed at Leios' comment, "Don't let it get to your head." She murmured before following. It didn't matter in the end, she would be done with it soon.


Zachariah was feeling ill, sweating a bit. 'Maybe I should rest...' he thought. But each moment his eyes closed he felt a tremendous weight on his stomach, he saw the faces of his loved ones. The worry for his nephew seemed to be consuming him, his dull eyes scanned over the page again, hours of studying and still nothing. "It's useless Mr. Siopelos..." He pined, his voice deep with exhaustion. "All these documents-" He fell silent when he realized Kios was not even paying attention to him. He followed his friends gaze to the open doorway across the shelves, a soft echoing of voices pricking his ears. Zachariah the First shot to his feet, all signs of exhaustion gone. He looked to his companions excitedly, "I did not think the message would get to him that-" Once again he was cut short by the babble but now in the room.

A motley group of teens stood before them, at the lead Leios. who was already talking. He always had been chatty. Zachariah accepted the embrace from the boy, "Good to see you again Leios, you've grown so much since I've last seen you." He smiled and laughed, it may not have been the nephew he thought, but seeing him again brought him a moment of ease. He gave him a solid pat on the shoulder before the boy moved onto his mother.

He got his moment to evaluate these ragtag teens, one was Rohan, Cherry's son. The two others he couldn't place but he eyed them passively as Leios spoke on. Some of them carried and air of familiarity but he couldn't quite place it.

"Leios what happened? Why are you-" The Councilman began before Rohan went off like a firecracker. He'd heard about the exploits of Cherry's many children from Zofia who would visit the redhead as often as she could and would exchange letters even more so. Zach pondered a moment how someone in gang could be such a snitch. But he digressed as the mood grew somber, the boy addressed him directly.


Kamila held back the bile in her throat when she entered the room behind Leios, the adults now in their company seemed surprised and confused, but she only cared about one of them. A tall dark skinned man, eyes a bit sunken from exhaustion, looking over the company before them with sharp intelligent eyes. Reflexively she leaned into Takumi's shadow, her face still neutral but her heart shuddering. 'Ofcoursethishappenedwhatelsedidyouexpectaccompanyingtwochildrenofheroesyoureeventuallygonnameetsomeheroesorbrothersofheroes', it took all her focus to keep her panicked breathing regular. It soothed her greatly that there was no recognition on the man's face, only horror.

Kamila watched as he scanned the boys face, as if looking for a tell, silently begging him to break on the fib. His eyes harden, a hand running through his neatly groomed hair. He lets out a loud exhale.

"I can't- I won't believe this." He finally muttered, his tone cold. "Tell me everything you know." He demanded, his gaze locked on Rohan as the boy simply opted out of the conversation towards the shelves. "If you have an ounce of your mothers mercy you will tell me what you have seen."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Thu Aug 03, 2017 4:23 am
DannyGirl~ wrote:The trip back to the little girl's home proved to be quite interesting for Orion to say the least. It seemed that aside from sharing their hair color, he and Shina had something much more valuable in common. The same curious spirit. He could from the way her gaze flickered about, deep in thought, only to return to his once more. Shina was trying to find something hidden within his passive gaze, though was having difficulties doing so. What she was searching for was the only detail he wasn't certain of, which left the two in an unspoken state of frustration and wonder. Quite an effective way of passing time to those with inquisitive minds.

A child loosely clinging to his shoulders, and a young women sizing him up while traveling alongside him... Orion found himself in a curious situation indeed. The companionship was welcomed deep in his heart, though also puzzled him slightly. It wasn't anything he'd imagined someone in his circumstances could possess. In fact, he still deemed it highly improbable when considering the possibility of such a sight happening again. So he secretly held on to that moment. For once in his life there was a sense of peace. He wasn't training, fighting, undergoing quests, reprimanding Delilah, or even gathering intel... Though technically he did have a quest he was supposed to be doing, it was refreshing to choose something for himself for once. Normally the old thing he possessed such decisive power over was what he wanted to eat.

Watching as the young woman at his side crossed her arms and gawked in response to his comment, Orion found himself chuckling softly as he thought over what to say next. "You can believe and disbelieve whatever you wish, Princess. What I told you was the truth, though it does sound absurd." He eventually commented while securing his hold on the little girl's legs, mentally noting that his nickname was  off. Princess didn't suit Shina in the slightest. "I'm afraid that even when leaving under a rock you'd catch wind of the royal families business... In order to truly stay in the dark, one has to purposefully do so. It has nothing to do with being able to read those around me, but rather who I feel is necessary for me to read. Your family never made the list... In the past at least."

Watching in mild amusement as the young women stretched out in thought, Orion simply shrugged as she processed his explanation while continuing on. The house wasn't that much further. But he was beginning to grow rather concerned that the parents allowed their child too wander off into town on her own, and then left her rather to fend for herself at night. The woods around them didn't seem to be safe under such circumstances. Then again, what did he know about parenting?

Though he pushed his criticisms aside as Shina spoke once more, suddenly twisting the conversation in a direction he hadn't been expecting even remotely. Which was a rare occasion in itself. Was she really opening up to him? In such a personal way as well... The turn of events left him speechless for a few moments, though he made sure to carefully consider each part of her confession before attempting to reply. "...In a sense I understand where you're coming from, though I don't believe your first problem is as bad as you believe it to be. What good is making history if you waste away your entire life to do so?" Orion softly put out for her to consider, knowing that in this case he was standing worlds away from the girl beside him. "Fighting for what you believe in is always a worth while cause, but you can't expect to gain anything without losing something in return... In truth, I envy you. This is really nice... Just taking a stroll with two friendly faces. In this lifestyle you can be anyone you want, no one would ever be able to tell the difference... However once you step up, and turning to a life of constant battle, your name will forever be stained in the life you leave in your wake. Winning a battle means forcing another to lose whatever they were fighting for. A constant circle of unsatisfaction. Which is why your rule is so important as a 'charity worker'... You can prevent the conflicts before they even surface." Though he was attempting to comfort the girl, he still didn't by that she actually was just a charity worker. "The only battles worth undergoing are those you take on for those around you. Fighting for your own gain, or even to leave your impact on the future history of the world, is waste of time. Even then it can be hard to pick which battles are right, and which are wrong... I've learned over the years that things are hardly ever how them seem."

Glancing over his shoulder back to the small child on his back, Orion found that she'd fallen asleep by the time they reached her home. After knocking on the door, and explaining the situation to the girl's worried parents, Orion passed her off to her family and bid them goodnight. Smiling ever so slightly as he paused for a moment, the young man pulled himself back together before turning back to Shina. Though thoughts of what having a family would be like still rang fresh in his mind. "Let me walk you back to town, there's something I'd like to do." He admitted hesitantly, his cheeks showing a light spark of pink though he chose to ignore it. "...And for the record, your list of abilities is rather impressive. I only possess the ability to use the element of wind... It's a shame your father didn't see that potential."
Her eyes tracked her feet as silence had plagued her due to Orion's voice though more so what his voice had said, "I don't understand why you'd avoid such big news at all anyway, they mustn't have been that much of a distraction," She feasted on her next words, attempting to provide a collection of words which in fact made sense, " Why had we made the list this time?" Hope had drained from her voice as she had a clear inability to play his game, she wasn't the secretive type, in fact, she just avoided talking rather than lying to someone. She continued to ponder on the nature of the man beside her, it was as if she were forbid the answers to her questions. Yet the more protest was made, the more hungry she grew, hungry for knowledge of the mystery behind the answers,

Upon her complaints being made, she heard his counter argument to them yet they did not please her at all, instead she found herself more restless with each word that testified against her own,  "The good in it is that you're remembered with honour yet if you rely on your ancestors name to pull you through life, you will be deemed as a sloth, coward and even worse. My own father, god knows what he will go down in the books for once he passes but he will go down as something, whether people paint him mad or just, that will be up to them yet his name wont be carried from his parents, he dug his own name to be spoken by the masses. Yet who will speak of my mother? The woman that went against everyone to be with that tyrant, no one will speak her name because she was busy being by his side" She scoffed, though her tone softened upon the mention of her mother, who had at least tried to be a figure in her life.

Though puzzlement shaped her face upon his statement of envying her, she was in fact perplexed by what he had said, "Well you shouldn't. If you walk this path, you live in a lonely world, that's much more difficult to wrap your head around as the presence of others wont be there to see you go through life. A hero or a villain, they have eyes on them at all times, whether it be greedful, lustful, prideful eyes, it matters less. They will always have someone by their side yet if you walk this path, it's a path of despair. Once you reach of age, the people who knew you will start to get lazy, pass away or even completely forget of you. I'd much rather have a constant battle to contest in than descend into a pit where the only residents are the memories of your failures in life, prickling at your skin until you close your eyes." Her head had lifted to please the starry sky with the presence of her eyes, the message her eyes sent could be deciphered as many, though she, herself, did not know which it was.

Once he announced that he'd be by her side once more, she had looked him in the eye, was he not tired? She rambled on, with lust for what she had not gotten yet he still wanted to listen, "Why?" Was all she muttered after he admitted that he wanted to do something. Though once her father was mentioned, her face scrunched momentarily, "My skill set is common, there's no potential in that, as for my transformation, that's not as impressive as it seems, though don't depend on me showing it at this time of the night, it'd be a waste and you wouldn't see much of it."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:49 pm
Rohan began reading the books he took from the shelf and took a few seconds to acknowledge zachs questions, it wasn't because he didn't care... he actually did. Even more then you'll think... his mind was clouded by Judah's death, and the thought of what would've happened if only he got there a few minutes earlier. Would he had been able to save zofia? Maybe she wouldn't be dead if Rohan was there to help her against Judah... he closed the book and turned to face the rest "I didn't see when she died, I wasn't there when it happened... I did see her killer bragging about how he had finished her moments earlier. I didn't see a body either since it probably turned into sand" he finished think of what her mom was going to say... maybe he shouldn't tell her. It could harm the baby... the stress could be bad for her too "if you see my mother please don't tell her that she died, I know that they were good friends but... I don't think she can handle the news and it can be bad for the baby... so please don't tell her... yet" he began reading the books again trying to concentrate on the writing "Leios, I'm going after the fire warlord... I'm a bit hurt so... I... I'll be needed your assistance until I get to natsumi or my mom"
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:51 pm
Staring as the events unfolded, he glanced at Kamila who was equally confused and shocked. He didn't know why, or the circumstances of the matter...but obe thing was clear. They just witnessed murder, Glaring harshly at Leios...Takumi's protective instincts had him standing in front of Kamila with his hand resting on his bow. Though he relented when it seemed that Leios trusted him, however the trust he had in Leios slightly diminished. Glaring at Rohan, Takumi ignored his questions about them, his gaze moved to Leios as he mentioned compensation. Nodding silently he watched them move out "...Right, we're here for our country's sake...and your pocket..." he mumbled as he glanced at Kamila, moving with her "...certainly an unexpected turn..." he tried to joke, but took Kamila's silence as a sign to shut it.

Making their way into the library, Takumi looked around in awe. He had remembered this place from his mom's stories, and a strange sense of pride filled him as he stood in the place that the heroes met right before facing off against Jove. Pulled from his thoughts as Leios voice got his attention he was taken back by the sight of the renowned Kios and Danyell. Feeling a growing agitation bubble in him, he stood straight as he tried to relax, eyeing them up...he didn't like meeting people...much less with heroes who he was compared to. Taking his time to relax his anxiety, he glanced at Kamila who seemingly calm seemed to be hiding herself away. Opening his mouth to ask, he decided against speaking as he simply nodded. Moving in front of her more, he stood...unsure of the problem but wanting to keep her from it nonetheless.

The next moment with Rohan speaking of Zofia is a matter entirely. Standing as his eyes widening, hearing the words but hoping rhey weren't true "Aunt Zofia is dead!?" He asked/yelled as a sickness grew in his stomach, looking down and holding his head he clenched his teeth. The woman whom his mother was so very close with, and the one he called auntie whenever he would visit with his was an overwhelming motion that she was gone.

Through that he had forgotten that Leios introduced them. Looking up, Takumi clenched his fist as he tried to cease his trembling, cleaning his throat he spoke "S-sorry" hos voice peaked a bit, before resuming a normal tone, "My name is Takumi...Takumi Skyslayer" he spoke as he glanced up at them, giving Zach a hard and sympathetic look. Glancing back at Kamila with a sorrowful look he simply motions to her. A silent way of saying 'say something or be queit if you wish'. He returned his attention to the task at hand, "I represent the collective body of Fuji and her people."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:50 pm
Iskios wrote:[Leios]
Judah's death was a little saddening in that he seemed remorseful that he failed his 'family'. Leios hadn't fought, or really interacted with the warlord so he couldn't feel much more empathetic than that, but he felt it was important to know that they were still human as he had already found out with Ying earlier. Leios was rather surprised when he saw how Rohan was acting towards the two he had never met before, he almost seemed friendly? It couldn't be more than that Leios thought, but he wasn't entirely sure. Judah's statement about the fire warlord troubled him quite a bit however, but in order to deal with him going to the library was still necessary. So Leios had to corral everyone back, speaking towards Rohan and his two friends, "I'm sorry to cut into your conversation but we should head over to the library soon. I know you're aware of the library Rohan, but I'm the only one here who actually knows how to get there. And Rohan, we'll discuss that fire warlord when we get there." Turning to his travel companions he smiled broadly, "Takumi, Kamila, you guys stayed around after all! Come with us to the library and I'll compensate you guys quickly."

********* Time skip to the Library *********

Leios, followed by the others, waltzed through the unlocked but obscure entrance to his father's favorite library. "Huh, it's not usually unlocked. A certain someone must have been expecting us..." Quickly jumping down to the ground floor he forged ahead towards the lit up portion of the library not waiting for the others. He only expected his father, but was confronted with his uncle and more unexpectedly, his mother which understandably caused his some pause, "M-mom? Ha, what are you doing here? I...thought you would still be home. Oh by the way, I found everything I was looking for at the mall, just uh got a little lost on the way back, yeah." He quickly looked over to his father for support who had only just then started paying attention. Sighing in defeat he went over and hugged and greeted his uncle, Zach I, while he waited for the inevitable lecture from his mother. "Long time no see Uncle, what brings you, my dad, and my mom here at the same time?" Greeting Kios too he immediately started his requests, "Hey Kios, so I need you to find some way to get aid to Fuji and also is there anything shiny and expensive here in the library that you may or may not be willing to part with?" He then lastly, but not leastly, hugged Danyell, "Sorry for not telling you that I went off on my own, or that Lissandra went first, before me that I did so that is." Turning back to the group that followed behind him he introduced them, "Hey you guys, this is my father, Kios. This is my mother, Danyell. And this is my uncle, Zachariah Fahlih the First."

Kios raised an eyebrow.

Naro wrote:Rohan at out a big sigh as he heard Leios speak again, he was just saying goodbye to his friends "shut it Leios, Anyway... Iggy please take Sahara back to her hometown. Like I said take my bike, I'll regroup with you guys later" he said waving at the 2 and walking away with Leios "im not going to library cause you asked me to, I'm going there because I want to" he said as they walked over to the other 2 that Leios brought with him "these your companions I guess?" He said as he crossed his arms and stood in the back.

"Don't worry Rohan! I'll make sure she gets home" he said as he reached out for her hand and pulled her along with him over to Rohan's bike "he'll be fine don't worry about your boyfriend, so when's the wedding?" Iggy said jokingly.

Rohan had only heard of the library but he didn't know it was that big, he was thinking of something smaller. Bet he can find a book to help him with kiko or fire seishitsu, but right now he had to focus on the fire warlord. Rohan followed the group and stayed at the back, he let Leios greet his parents and all that shenanigans first before he told them of what had happened a few minutes earlier "Cut the Sh!t Leios, your little boy wasn't at the mall. Neither are the rest. They went out to fight the warlord just like myself, Leios was able to take one down... I just took another one down" he leaned against the wall and looked around the place "Zach I... listen carefully... what I'm about to say may be hard for you guys, but... Zofia was killed by the earth warlord outside the Nil capital... I was too late to help her, but if it makes you feel better... Judah will no longer be a threat to us... I killed him" he walked over to the bookshelves and began searching for a book, he grabbed a few books on fire seishitsu but he couldn't find one on kiko "I'm going after the fire seishitsu, he's back at the homeland"
"W-Wait, Rohan..." Sahara protested softly as he began to walk away, secretly worried about how much trouble he'd dig himself into without either Iggy or herself there to stop him. However, in the end, there wasn't much she could do. Honestly, her entire body felt too heavy to walk for much longer, and her mind was completely strained. Not to mention throbbing. If Rohan went out to face another warlord, she'd only hold him back. She might even get them both killed. There really wasn't much on a choice for her other than listening to his instructions. "B-Be s-safe."
Slowly climbing up onto Rohan's motorbike after Iggy, the young maiden found her complexion stained a deep scarlet red as the younger boy suddenly teased her. Wedding?! Oh, Rohan... Why had he been so flashy in exclaiming he was going to marry her? It was so embarrassing! "I-I n-never agreed to t-that! T-Take me h-home!" She eventually demanded, though there was little to no authority to lift her tone. Only the soft squeak of a girl on her last thread of consciousness for the day.

Sammich wrote:Kamila was completely at a loss. A journey to Nil had been the idea. Killing people had never actually been addressed in the agreement. She emerged from the dune, critically eyeing the red haired man who dealt the final blow. She had considered that Leios had lead them into a trap, but the dialogue she had caught from the others, the vibe off the trio the encountered, they had just quelled a threat. They were solemn, but relief was evident. What sort of fiasco had she stumbled onto?

She scoffed at Leios' comment, "Don't let it get to your head." She murmured before following. It didn't matter in the end, she would be done with it soon.


Zachariah was feeling ill, sweating a bit. 'Maybe I should rest...' he thought. But each moment his eyes closed he felt a tremendous weight on his stomach, he saw the faces of his loved ones. The worry for his nephew seemed to be consuming him, his dull eyes scanned over the page again, hours of studying and still nothing. "It's useless Mr. Siopelos..." He pined, his voice deep with exhaustion. "All these documents-" He fell silent when he realized Kios was not even paying attention to him. He followed his friends gaze to the open doorway across the shelves, a soft echoing of voices pricking his ears. Zachariah the First shot to his feet, all signs of exhaustion gone. He looked to his companions excitedly, "I did not think the message would get to him that-" Once again he was cut short by the babble but now in the room.

A motley group of teens stood before them, at the lead Leios. who was already talking. He always had been chatty. Zachariah accepted the embrace from the boy, "Good to see you again Leios, you've grown so much since I've last seen you." He smiled and laughed, it may not have been the nephew he thought, but seeing him again brought him a moment of ease. He gave him a solid pat on the shoulder before the boy moved onto his mother.

He got his moment to evaluate these ragtag teens, one was Rohan, Cherry's son. The two others he couldn't place but he eyed them passively as Leios spoke on. Some of them carried and air of familiarity but he couldn't quite place it.

"Leios what happened? Why are you-" The Councilman began before Rohan went off like a firecracker. He'd heard about the exploits of Cherry's many children from Zofia who would visit the redhead as often as she could and would exchange letters even more so. Zach pondered a moment how someone in gang could be such a snitch. But he digressed as the mood grew somber, the boy addressed him directly.


Kamila held back the bile in her throat when she entered the room behind Leios, the adults now in their company seemed surprised and confused, but she only cared about one of them. A tall dark skinned man, eyes a bit sunken from exhaustion, looking over the company before them with sharp intelligent eyes. Reflexively she leaned into Takumi's shadow, her face still neutral but her heart shuddering. 'Ofcoursethishappenedwhatelsedidyouexpectaccompanyingtwochildrenofheroesyoureeventuallygonnameetsomeheroesorbrothersofheroes', it took all her focus to keep her panicked breathing regular. It soothed her greatly that there was no recognition on the man's face, only horror.

Kamila watched as he scanned the boys face, as if looking for a tell, silently begging him to break on the fib. His eyes harden, a hand running through his neatly groomed hair. He lets out a loud exhale.

"I can't- I won't believe this." He finally muttered, his tone cold. "Tell me everything you know." He demanded, his gaze locked on Rohan as the boy simply opted out of the conversation towards the shelves. "If you have an ounce of your mothers mercy you will tell me what you have seen."

Naro wrote:Rohan began reading the books he took from the shelf and took a few seconds to acknowledge zachs questions, it wasn't because he didn't care... he actually did. Even more then you'll think... his mind was clouded by Judah's death, and the thought of what would've happened if only he got there a few minutes earlier. Would he had been able to save zofia? Maybe she wouldn't be dead if Rohan was there to help her against Judah... he closed the book and turned to face the rest "I didn't see when she died, I wasn't there when it happened... I did see her killer bragging about how he had finished her moments earlier. I didn't see a body either since it probably turned into sand" he finished think of what her mom was going to say... maybe he shouldn't tell her. It could harm the baby... the stress could be bad for her too "if you see my mother please don't tell her that she died, I know that they were good friends but... I don't think she can handle the news and it can be bad for the baby... so please don't tell her... yet" he began reading the books again trying to concentrate on the writing "Leios, I'm going after the fire warlord... I'm a bit hurt so... I... I'll be needed your assistance until I get to natsumi or my mom"

Danyell's warm brown eyes softened with a clear expression of sympathy, and understanding, as she studied Zachariah. The poor man seemed to be on the verge of pulling out his brown mop of hair after taking in the new. Honestly, she wasn't far from that herself. Nothing messed with her quite like the thought of something bad happening to her family. Letting out a long prolonged sigh as she slowly rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands, the overprotective mother took a few moments to collect herself before straightening her posture. Despite running on little to no sleep, Danyell knew she couldn't afford to let her concern consume her. It was too late to stop her children from acting rash. Stressing out wouldn't help anyone out right now.

Slowly approaching Zach the First, Danyell gently placed a hand on his shoulder before offering him a weak nod of encouragement. "...I'm sure they're fine. They're our children after all, don't doubt their strength." She finally forced out as she pulled away, reaching up to tighten her ponytail as she made her way over to Kios' side. Their best bet was to continue their efforts in helping Fuji and Nil. Chasing after the kids would only delay the help that both those nations desperately needed. It was her turn to have a little faith in her children, and practiced what she preached.

However, she'd soon find that her struggle to find patience wouldn't plague her all that long. "Leios?!" Gasping as she turned to face her young son, Danyell's expression flickered between relief and anger at an alarming rate as she tried to decide which reaction was the most appropriate in their situation. Finally settling on a temporary state of anger, she slowly clenched her teeth as Leios mentioned the mall. Despite already knowing that he'd been lying over the matter, Rohan's confirmation helped her in the sense that Leios could no longer talk himself out of his story. "Funny, it seems your friend disagrees." She grumbled lowly just before her patience burst all together. "Leios Apollyon Siopelos!” Practically growling in fury as he ignored her and moved over to greet his uncle, Danyell took in a deep breath before letting her frustration out. “I can’t believe you, mister! What on earth were you thinking?! Running off like that on your own was completely irresponsible, and extremely dangerous! Even if you won… Where is your sister? I was hoping you two would have enough common sense to at very least stick together…”

As her anger slowly turned to exhaustion, the tall brunette let out soft sigh while gently rubbing her temples. It was frustrating, however she had to have faith that Lissandra would make it back to them on her own like her brother. Liss had always been quite an independant soul. Rushing after her would only damage her pride. Not only that, but Leios and Rohan had both won their matches. Perhaps the warlords threat was more bark than bite. Relaxing slightly as Leios embraced her, Danyell gently kissed the top of his head while holding him tightly in her arms as she listened to his apology. “Liss did what?!... Wait a minute young man, her turn to get in trouble will come when she gets here. Until then you aren’t getting off that easily.” She huffed while ruffling his hair as she pulled away. “...However, I’m glad you’re safe.”

Immediately turning her attention over to Rohan at his startling remark, Danyell found herself both shocked and skeptical. “...No, I’m with Zachariah. That’s unbelievable. I fought Zofia multiple times… She’s strong, and Jove trained her himself. I’m sure this Judah man was trying get under your skin.” Her eventual response came out slow, showing hints of uncertainty, though steady nonetheless. She just couldn’t believe that a man Rohan killed managed to kill Zofia. After all, Zofia had kept up her training all these years… Hadn’t she? “R-Relax Zach, if he didn’t see it happen I’m sure the man was bluffing.”

Danyell slowly shook her head as she glanced back over to Rohan, nodding in agreement to his suggestion. "I agree, as far as we know it never even happened... I'm sure Judah was lying. No need to upset your mother over the matter."

Pausing a moment in thought, the middle aged woman found her inner thoughts beginning to slow. Her hands resting at her sides beginning to tremble slightly as she lost herself in her slight panic. Surely it was just a bluff, nothing to take to seriously... Zofia was alive and well. They'd probably hear from her in the morning.

Snapping back into reality as Rohan addressed Leios, Danyell scoffed before glancing between the two boys. "And just where do you think you two are going? You had your glory for the day. There's no way I can allow you two to run into another death match."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:30 am
Naro wrote:Rohan at out a big sigh as he heard Leios speak again, he was just saying goodbye to his friends "shut it Leios, Anyway... Iggy please take Sahara back to her hometown. Like I said take my bike, I'll regroup with you guys later" he said waving at the 2 and walking away with Leios "im not going to library cause you asked me to, I'm going there because I want to" he said as they walked over to the other 2 that Leios brought with him "these your companions I guess?" He said as he crossed his arms and stood in the back.

"Don't worry Rohan! I'll make sure she gets home" he said as he reached out for her hand and pulled her along with him over to Rohan's bike "he'll be fine don't worry about your boyfriend, so when's the wedding?" Iggy said jokingly.

Rohan had only heard of the library but he didn't know it was that big, he was thinking of something smaller. Bet he can find a book to help him with kiko or fire seishitsu, but right now he had to focus on the fire warlord. Rohan followed the group and stayed at the back, he let Leios greet his parents and all that shenanigans first before he told them of what had happened a few minutes earlier "Cut the Sh!t Leios, your little boy wasn't at the mall. Neither are the rest. They went out to fight the warlord just like myself, Leios was able to take one down... I just took another one down" he leaned against the wall and looked around the place "Zach I... listen carefully... what I'm about to say may be hard for you guys, but... Zofia was killed by the earth warlord outside the Nil capital... I was too late to help her, but if it makes you feel better... Judah will no longer be a threat to us... I killed him" he walked over to the bookshelves and began searching for a book, he grabbed a few books on fire seishitsu but he couldn't find one on kiko "I'm going after the fire seishitsu, he's back at the homeland"

Sammich wrote:
Kamila was completely at a loss. A journey to Nil had been the idea. Killing people had never actually been addressed in the agreement. She emerged from the dune, critically eyeing the red haired man who dealt the final blow. She had considered that Leios had lead them into a trap, but the dialogue she had caught from the others, the vibe off the trio the encountered, they had just quelled a threat. They were solemn, but relief was evident. What sort of fiasco had she stumbled onto?

She scoffed at Leios' comment, "Don't let it get to your head." She murmured before following. It didn't matter in the end, she would be done with it soon.


Zachariah was feeling ill, sweating a bit. 'Maybe I should rest...' he thought. But each moment his eyes closed he felt a tremendous weight on his stomach, he saw the faces of his loved ones. The worry for his nephew seemed to be consuming him, his dull eyes scanned over the page again, hours of studying and still nothing. "It's useless Mr. Siopelos..." He pined, his voice deep with exhaustion. "All these documents-" He fell silent when he realized Kios was not even paying attention to him. He followed his friends gaze to the open doorway across the shelves, a soft echoing of voices pricking his ears. Zachariah the First shot to his feet, all signs of exhaustion gone. He looked to his companions excitedly, "I did not think the message would get to him that-" Once again he was cut short by the babble but now in the room.

A motley group of teens stood before them, at the lead Leios. who was already talking. He always had been chatty. Zachariah accepted the embrace from the boy, "Good to see you again Leios, you've grown so much since I've last seen you." He smiled and laughed, it may not have been the nephew he thought, but seeing him again brought him a moment of ease. He gave him a solid pat on the shoulder before the boy moved onto his mother.

He got his moment to evaluate these ragtag teens, one was Rohan, Cherry's son. The two others he couldn't place but he eyed them passively as Leios spoke on. Some of them carried and air of familiarity but he couldn't quite place it.

"Leios what happened? Why are you-" The Councilman began before Rohan went off like a firecracker. He'd heard about the exploits of Cherry's many children from Zofia who would visit the redhead as often as she could and would exchange letters even more so. Zach pondered a moment how someone in gang could be such a snitch. But he digressed as the mood grew somber, the boy addressed him directly.


Kamila held back the bile in her throat when she entered the room behind Leios, the adults now in their company seemed surprised and confused, but she only cared about one of them. A tall dark skinned man, eyes a bit sunken from exhaustion, looking over the company before them with sharp intelligent eyes. Reflexively she leaned into Takumi's shadow, her face still neutral but her heart shuddering. 'Ofcoursethishappenedwhatelsedidyouexpectaccompanyingtwochildrenofheroesyoureeventuallygonnameetsomeheroesorbrothersofheroes', it took all her focus to keep her panicked breathing regular. It soothed her greatly that there was no recognition on the man's face, only horror.

Kamila watched as he scanned the boys face, as if looking for a tell, silently begging him to break on the fib. His eyes harden, a hand running through his neatly groomed hair. He lets out a loud exhale.

"I can't- I won't believe this." He finally muttered, his tone cold. "Tell me everything you know." He demanded, his gaze locked on Rohan as the boy simply opted out of the conversation towards the shelves. "If you have an ounce of your mothers mercy you will tell me what you have seen."

Naro wrote:Rohan began reading the books he took from the shelf and took a few seconds to acknowledge zachs questions, it wasn't because he didn't care... he actually did. Even more then you'll think... his mind was clouded by Judah's death, and the thought of what would've happened if only he got there a few minutes earlier. Would he had been able to save zofia? Maybe she wouldn't be dead if Rohan was there to help her against Judah... he closed the book and turned to face the rest "I didn't see when she died, I wasn't there when it happened... I did see her killer bragging about how he had finished her moments earlier. I didn't see a body either since it probably turned into sand" he finished think of what her mom was going to say... maybe he shouldn't tell her. It could harm the baby... the stress could be bad for her too "if you see my mother please don't tell her that she died, I know that they were good friends but... I don't think she can handle the news and it can be bad for the baby... so please don't tell her... yet" he began reading the books again trying to concentrate on the writing "Leios, I'm going after the fire warlord... I'm a bit hurt so... I... I'll be needed your assistance until I get to natsumi or my mom"

Derekjay2000 wrote:Staring as the events unfolded, he glanced at Kamila who was equally confused and shocked. He didn't know why, or the circumstances of the matter...but obe thing was clear. They just witnessed murder, Glaring harshly at Leios...Takumi's protective instincts had him standing in front of Kamila with his hand resting on his bow. Though he relented when it seemed that Leios trusted him, however the trust he had in Leios slightly diminished. Glaring at Rohan, Takumi ignored his questions about them, his gaze moved to Leios as he mentioned compensation. Nodding silently he watched them move out "...Right, we're here for our country's sake...and your pocket..." he mumbled as he glanced at Kamila, moving with her "...certainly an unexpected turn..." he tried to joke, but took Kamila's silence as a sign to shut it.

Making their way into the library, Takumi looked around in awe. He had remembered this place from his mom's stories, and a strange sense of pride filled him as he stood in the place that the heroes met right before facing off against Jove. Pulled from his thoughts as Leios voice got his attention he was taken back by the sight of the renowned Kios and Danyell. Feeling a growing agitation bubble in him, he stood straight as he tried to relax, eyeing them up...he didn't like meeting people...much less with heroes who he was compared to. Taking his time to relax his anxiety, he glanced at Kamila who seemingly calm seemed to be hiding herself away. Opening his mouth to ask, he decided against speaking as he simply nodded. Moving in front of her more, he stood...unsure of the problem but wanting to keep her from it nonetheless.

The next moment with Rohan speaking of Zofia is a matter entirely. Standing as his eyes widening, hearing the words but hoping rhey weren't true "Aunt Zofia is dead!?" He asked/yelled as a sickness grew in his stomach, looking down and holding his head he clenched his teeth. The woman whom his mother was so very close with, and the one he called auntie whenever he would visit with his was an overwhelming motion that she was gone.

Through that he had forgotten that Leios introduced them. Looking up, Takumi clenched his fist as he tried to cease his trembling, cleaning his throat he spoke "S-sorry" hos voice peaked a bit, before resuming a normal tone, "My name is Takumi...Takumi Skyslayer" he spoke as he glanced up at them, giving Zach a hard and sympathetic look. Glancing back at Kamila with a sorrowful look he simply motions to her. A silent way of saying 'say something or be queit if you wish'. He returned his attention to the task at hand, "I represent the collective body of Fuji and her people."

Derekjay2000 wrote:Staring as the events unfolded, he glanced at Kamila who was equally confused and shocked. He didn't know why, or the circumstances of the matter...but obe thing was clear. They just witnessed murder, Glaring harshly at Leios...Takumi's protective instincts had him standing in front of Kamila with his hand resting on his bow. Though he relented when it seemed that Leios trusted him, however the trust he had in Leios slightly diminished. Glaring at Rohan, Takumi ignored his questions about them, his gaze moved to Leios as he mentioned compensation. Nodding silently he watched them move out "...Right, we're here for our country's sake...and your pocket..." he mumbled as he glanced at Kamila, moving with her "...certainly an unexpected turn..." he tried to joke, but took Kamila's silence as a sign to shut it.

Making their way into the library, Takumi looked around in awe. He had remembered this place from his mom's stories, and a strange sense of pride filled him as he stood in the place that the heroes met right before facing off against Jove. Pulled from his thoughts as Leios voice got his attention he was taken back by the sight of the renowned Kios and Danyell. Feeling a growing agitation bubble in him, he stood straight as he tried to relax, eyeing them up...he didn't like meeting people...much less with heroes who he was compared to. Taking his time to relax his anxiety, he glanced at Kamila who seemingly calm seemed to be hiding herself away. Opening his mouth to ask, he decided against speaking as he simply nodded. Moving in front of her more, he stood...unsure of the problem but wanting to keep her from it nonetheless.

The next moment with Rohan speaking of Zofia is a matter entirely. Standing as his eyes widening, hearing the words but hoping rhey weren't true "Aunt Zofia is dead!?" He asked/yelled as a sickness grew in his stomach, looking down and holding his head he clenched his teeth. The woman whom his mother was so very close with, and the one he called auntie whenever he would visit with his was an overwhelming motion that she was gone.

Through that he had forgotten that Leios introduced them. Looking up, Takumi clenched his fist as he tried to cease his trembling, cleaning his throat he spoke "S-sorry" hos voice peaked a bit, before resuming a normal tone, "My name is Takumi...Takumi Skyslayer" he spoke as he glanced up at them, giving Zach a hard and sympathetic look. Glancing back at Kamila with a sorrowful look he simply motions to her. A silent way of saying 'say something or be queit if you wish'. He returned his attention to the task at hand, "I represent the collective body of Fuji and her people."

DannyGirl~ wrote:
Danyell's warm brown eyes softened with a clear expression of sympathy, and understanding, as she studied Zachariah. The poor man seemed to be on the verge of pulling out his brown mop of hair after taking in the new. Honestly, she wasn't far from that herself. Nothing messed with her quite like the thought of something bad happening to her family. Letting out a long prolonged sigh as she slowly rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands, the overprotective mother took a few moments to collect herself before straightening her posture. Despite running on little to no sleep, Danyell knew she couldn't afford to let her concern consume her. It was too late to stop her children from acting rash. Stressing out wouldn't help anyone out right now.

Slowly approaching Zach the First, Danyell gently placed a hand on his shoulder before offering him a weak nod of encouragement. "...I'm sure they're fine. They're our children after all, don't doubt their strength." She finally forced out as she pulled away, reaching up to tighten her ponytail as she made her way over to Kios' side. Their best bet was to continue their efforts in helping Fuji and Nil. Chasing after the kids would only delay the help that both those nations desperately needed. It was her turn to have a little faith in her children, and practiced what she preached.

However, she'd soon find that her struggle to find patience wouldn't plague her all that long. "Leios?!" Gasping as she turned to face her young son, Danyell's expression flickered between relief and anger at an alarming rate as she tried to decide which reaction was the most appropriate in their situation. Finally settling on a temporary state of anger, she slowly clenched her teeth as Leios mentioned the mall. Despite already knowing that he'd been lying over the matter, Rohan's confirmation helped her in the sense that Leios could no longer talk himself out of his story. "Funny, it seems your friend disagrees." She grumbled lowly just before her patience burst all together. "Leios Apollyon Siopelos!” Practically growling in fury as he ignored her and moved over to greet his uncle, Danyell took in a deep breath before letting her frustration out. “I can’t believe you, mister! What on earth were you thinking?! Running off like that on your own was completely irresponsible, and extremely dangerous! Even if you won… Where is your sister? I was hoping you two would have enough common sense to at very least stick together…”

As her anger slowly turned to exhaustion, the tall brunette let out soft sigh while gently rubbing her temples. It was frustrating, however she had to have faith that Lissandra would make it back to them on her own like her brother. Liss had always been quite an independant soul. Rushing after her would only damage her pride. Not only that, but Leios and Rohan had both won their matches. Perhaps the warlords threat was more bark than bite. Relaxing slightly as Leios embraced her, Danyell gently kissed the top of his head while holding him tightly in her arms as she listened to his apology. “Liss did what?!... Wait a minute young man, her turn to get in trouble will come when she gets here. Until then you aren’t getting off that easily.” She huffed while ruffling his hair as she pulled away. “...However, I’m glad you’re safe.”

Immediately turning her attention over to Rohan at his startling remark, Danyell found herself both shocked and skeptical. “...No, I’m with Zachariah. That’s unbelievable. I fought Zofia multiple times… She’s strong, and Jove trained her himself. I’m sure this Judah man was trying get under your skin.” Her eventual response came out slow, showing hints of uncertainty, though steady nonetheless. She just couldn’t believe that a man Rohan killed managed to kill Zofia. After all, Zofia had kept up her training all these years… Hadn’t she? “R-Relax Zach, if he didn’t see it happen I’m sure the man was bluffing.”

Danyell slowly shook her head as she glanced back over to Rohan, nodding in agreement to his suggestion. "I agree, as far as we know it never even happened... I'm sure Judah was lying. No need to upset your mother over the matter."

Pausing a moment in thought, the middle aged woman found her inner thoughts beginning to slow. Her hands resting at her sides beginning to tremble slightly as she lost herself in her slight panic. Surely it was just a bluff, nothing to take to seriously... Zofia was alive and well. They'd probably hear from her in the morning.

Snapping back into reality as Rohan addressed Leios, Danyell scoffed before glancing between the two boys. "And just where do you think you two are going? You had your glory for the day. There's no way I can allow you two to run into another death match."

He cringed when his mother yelled his full name, it had been awhile since the last time. He had known the lecture was coming since he first left the house but it was a little less intense than usual. Might have been due to the fact that she was probably worried out of her mind about them, especially considering everyone in the family did it to her at the same time. "Liss? I let her with her friends, I figured that if she was going to be doing something like this, it would be best if I wasn't there. At least for a bit. She needs some confidence in herself more than she needs my help." Their somewhat happy reunion was cut short as Rohan gave Zachariah the bad news. Leios' knees buckled a bit when he heard what Rohan said, slowly turning towards him he said, "What do you mean she's dead, how could Zofia be killed!? How could that Earth Warlord possibly defeat her."

Kios slammed the book he was holding on the table in front of him. "They killed Zofia...and she was just here with us too." His eyebrows furrowed, "I swear, if they aren't defeated soon I'll go put an end to them myself." Sighing he sat down, the weariness of the years showing in his eyes, "To think we'd lose her now after all this time. What are we going to tell Zach and his brother, or Sehun. This should have never happened. Unfortunately I think can believe it. Zofia, she had still been dealing with the Lady of the Sand all this time. Zachariah and Danyell, you both know the side effects that afflicted her. It's not entirely implausible that in a real fight the Lady was able to get the better of her."

Speaking to Rohan's request, "I wasn't going to let you go without me regardless. There are others in danger too and our pride isn't worth the risk." He looked back at the two he had brought with him, noticing that Kamila was standing partially behind Takumi, an odd thing to Leios as he didn't remember them being that close before. "I'll be going to Kagutsuchi, I wouldn't mind if you two tagged along but it seems you have more pressing matters personally."

He looked to the two teens he didn't recognize when Leios mentioned their rewards then gave him an incredulous look, "You promised them something from the library...? I suppose, that I could find something worthwhile but it won't be one of a kind, I couldn't bear to let something like that be taken away from the protection the library offers." Kios then eyed Takumi curiously as he made his request to Zachariah, "The situation in Nil is rather dire as Zachariah would tell you, but I believe we can still muster some help. I've found references in a few of the books we were studying that might be of help. Not an immediate solution mind you, but one that should help alleviate the pains of the refugees in two or three weeks. There is a fast growing plant native to Fuji that when cultivated correctly will produce much larger grains than normal. It contains most of the necessary nutrients, and although the plant does not usually have the conditions necessary for this growth we can do something about that."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:58 am
Rohan shook his head as danyell tried to convince herself and the others that it was lie, but Judah wasn't lying... he wasn't the one to lie just to get Rohan upset. If anything, Judah would've used Rohan's family not Zofia "No Danyell... Judah might had not been the strongest warlord, but he was definitely strong... I had help from 2 other people and if it wasn't for my weird combination of Kiko and fire" he showed his broken hand wrapped in a strip of his shirt.

Rohan raised an eyebrow when he heard the name "Lady of the sand" it definitely sounded familiar but where did he hear that? He was too distracted by kios that he completely forgot about it. After a few seconds of trying to remember it finally came back "Sahara..." he said to himself as he noticed a white book on the shelf. It caught his attention for some reason so he went over to get it, it was a book about kiko! Just what he needed, since there wasn't a lot of kiko users around Rohan had to teach himself all that he knows about kiko... and it wasn't much. He's still hoping to get Jove to train him since he's a master with kiko. Snapping back to reality he took a big sigh as danyell tried to stop them "No. The fire warlord is out there in kagutsuchi... I can't let him get close to my pregnant mother. I'm sure father would protect her but my little sisters are there too, Im going to kill the fire warlord" he clenched his fist and a small flame appeared inside his eyes "I'm going to kill every single warlord" he said calming down a bit and slowly tucking the book inside his jacket "let's go Leios!" He stood by the entrance waiting for his rival.

Time skip to kagutsuchi in the next post lol
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:37 pm
( @Voca )
“Not all of your family has caught my attention, only a select few.” Orion softly chuckled as Shina attempted to sum him up, and make sense of his explanations. Under different circumstances, he might’ve extended just a little more help to the struggling girl. A few more answers to help guide her towards the correct conclusion. However, such was a luxury he might never possess. One of the few reasons he never received an opportunity to grow closer to others, to make relationships. Many years had passed since he’d come to accept such was his fate, though even now he still struggled with his commitment to such a lifestyle. Being inquisitive by nature, there was always an urge lingering within the back of his mind that he simply couldn’t dismiss. Those he passed on the streets, what were their stories? How vastly different were their lives from his? Among them how many could’ve become a dear friend, if only he reached out once? What consequences would he face if he dared to do so?

Shina’s argument made to counter his envy pulled him from such thoughts, and ensured his attention returned to actively pondering her situation. In many ways, the two held some remarkable similarities. Aside from physical appearance, they both had taken paths in life that lead to solitude. Though their viewpoints on the matter almost directly opposed the other. When in Orion’s trade, making a name for yourself was no different then injecting a slow burning poison into your veins. It might take some time, but eventually the widespread news would be your undoing. He worked in a field where one took great measures in ensuring their name would never see the light of day. (Though, truth be told, Delilah did most of that work for him.) On the other hand, Shina was shadowed by the name of her father. Trapped to wonder her own path until she either accepted it as her fate, or continued to try to break free of it’s hold. The most intriguing factor amongst her explanation was that she seemed to choose loneliness, therefore inflicting its pain onto herself. What he couldn’t make sense of was why. Was there an unspoken rule demanding one must make a name for themselves on their own? Why not confide in the company of others? He couldn’t imagine being completely alone, after all he always had Delilah to support him.

“And who determined those rules?” Orion finally inquired, the shine in his gaze testifying of his genuine curiosity. “Even if it’s just one person, it’s enough to get by… All you have to do is let that one person in. For you, such a task shouldn’t be too difficult. Despite the way you present yourself, you are a remarkably sincere young women Shina.”

Studying her bewildered expression upon making his request, Orion realized that to most it was quite late. Not exactly the proper time to take a stroll. However he continued to await her official reply, as he was used to staying up all night regardless. Though, more importantly, he wasn’t yet done with their conversation. It was the longest conversation he’d ever had with anyone outside of Delilah, and he was actually enjoying the newfound company. “Come with me to find out.” He retorted with a chuckle in response to her question, leading the way as she continued one.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” The young man casually replied to Shina’s last remark, his lips slowly curving upward into something of an innocent smile. Honestly, he felt there was no better time to use your senshitsu than at night as it drew less of a crowd, and retained you with a sense of secrecy. However if she wished to make a show of her abilities daytime would be a better opporunity to do so. Though he wouldn’t ask her to display her best ‘hand’, so to speak, unless she’d offered regardless as he wasn’t one to pry. “You should reevaluate your early comment though, as everyone as potential. Even those without senshitsu.”

Finally halting in front of a small shop in town, Orion carefully scanned over the building before grinning slightly as he found his entrance. “Wait here a moment.” Almost seeming to disappear as he summoned the wind around him to boost himself up onto the roof and then down the chimney, the young man returned the same way just a few minutes later. As he swiftly landed at her side once more, Orion extended her hands out to her revealing a lilac bow with small jewels woven throughout the fabric.

He couldn’t help but blush slightly as he cleared his throat, waiting for her response. “Don’t worry, I left the money for it on the counter.” Swiftly explaining as he realized what it must’ve looked like, Orion found himself feeling rather awkward when talking to the girl once more. However, as he still thought of her original bow as a favor given to him, he felt the need to replace it. Or at very least wanted to. Even if it wasn’t a favor, no one had ever given him a gift before.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:15 pm
As her fire shot down into the earth beneath her, Liss mind ran rampantly in order to analyze all the minor details going into play. At first she had to focus the majority of her efforts into weaving Lnna into the right patterns, always focusing on the overall picture. One wrong stroke, and everything would fall apart. With her senshitsu’s energy swiftly depleting the risks of taking such a route in battle rang true in her pounding heart. Despite her fairly calm composure it was hard to deny the adrenaline surging through her veins. If Lnna kept taking so much damage in attempts to dodge Liss’ attacks than perhaps it was best to really focus in on wrapping the battle up then and there. However Lissandra didn’t want to take the risk of underestimating someone who had years more of experience on their side. Letting out a sigh of relief as the water warlord finally took to the defensive, Lissandra immediately took advantage of the opportunity and continued marking the ground around the blonde’s icy fortress.
After that, if was simply a race against time. Sweat ran down her face in a similar manner to the ice melting from Lnna’s sanctuary, visible shows of strain evident in her pose. By the time Lissandra finally completed the necessary preparation she was utterly exhausted. That being side, she still had enough in her tank to finish what she started. Though that being said, anything else and she would be her own downfall in battle. Watching as the warlord’s castle finally burst apart completely, Liss watched as Lnna suddenly shot upward on a large growing pillar of ice. The blonde weaved in and out of the last of her rain of fire at an unbelievable speed, though it was her question that truly stunned Lissandra. Though it wasn’t intend to personally attack the auburn haired girl the question cut deep, reopening the wound that had plagued her since her childhood. Clenching her fists and wheezing as Lnna took advantage of her moment of weakness, Liss could hardly process the pain as it thrashed against her gut and legs. She briefly wondered which one of them looked more broken and torn in that moment, before being swept up amongst her memories.

Ever since her childhood Liss inferiority had been painfully apparent. Everywhere she went, every way she turned, she found herself trapped within a shadow. A high expectation predetermined for her in that life, because of the namesake of her family.

Though of course, as a small child she couldn’t yet understand the weight that came along with such responsibilities. Awestruck reactions to her surname filled her younger self with an almost giddy pride. She could recall the feeling of her lips stretched from ear to ear in a manner that caused her chubby cheeks to sting slightly afterwards. For the first few years of grade school life seemed too good to be true, though that was probably because in reality it was.

At first negative comment regarding her behavior where only made when she acted out as a child. Her teachers would passive aggressively reprimand her for her actions, reminding her who her parents were as punishment… Though overtime she grew to be rebuked for much more tedious ordeals, and not just from her teachers. The children who had once praised everything she did, because she was the daughter of heroes, began to show hesitance of their faith in her every time she fell short of expectation.

That race in gym she didn’t win? It suddenly warranted an explanation from her classmates. If she didn’t score the highest on every pop quiz, her friends would begin to panic. Always suspecting various illnesses over the possibility of her making a simply mistake. Every little thing, from social encounters to after school activities, demanded a greater and greater level of perfection the older she got. Though it wasn’t all that bad, she was popular and never without a group to walk her to her classes. Everything she liked was dubbed as cool, and everything she disliked was announced as repulsive. She could’ve almost put up with the pressure, or so she thought.

However the weight finally seemed to much to bear as she reached her last year of elementary school. The grade where Leios really started to outshine his classmates, and every teacher in the school would make sure to remind her of it during every waking moment of the day. Though of course, that news spread to her classmates as well. Suddenly she was more popular than ever, being the daughter of the famed heroes and the sister of an unbelievably brilliant older student. After that all her efforts to be the best in her grade fell short too. Despite buckling down and devoting her spare time to physical and mental training after school, no one cared about all the improvement she worked so hard to achieve. She won every race, scored highest on every test, and everyone acted as if it was nothing. Simply expecting to come from natural talent. No, after that nothing would be enough until she answered that question.

“But what about your brother? The one the teacher’s all talk about! Are you better than him?”

At first the answer was simple, nothing she really had to think too hard about.

“Leios and I are about equal.”

That was the answer she’d believed as a child, even despite her teacher’s ravings… That is until one child thought to ask a question that would plague her for many years to come. Even up to that present day.

“How do you know?”

Everything changed after that, and she could never look at Leios the same way again.

“Well, we spar after school. Sometimes I win, sometimes he does… Which means we’re even.”

Her answer was enough for her classmates, in fact they never questioned her on the subject again. At least in person. However the atmosphere between her and Leios changed drastically, because she finally realized how perfect he actually was. He wasn’t just the perfect student or son, he was secretly the perfect brother. Too perfect in Liss’ opinion. After all though years she finally saw through his ruse. In all their matches throughout their childhood she’d never actually won any. Leios would throw the matches in order to keep her spirits up, and once she’d caught him a few times she could never bring herself to spar with him again.

All her training took to new levels that year. She hardly ever came to school in jeans without holes in them due to training (Which actually started a trend in her class that she never understood), and was always looked pretty scraped up. However she could bring herself to slow down, because at that point her greatest critic was herself.

The next year was probably the hardest for her to handle out of all of her years at school. Her first year of Junior high was Leios’ last, and she couldn’t name a single girl in her grade who wasn’t secretly crushing on him. Honestly nothing could cause her to cringe harder more than random girls trying to use her to get with her brother. Of course she was even more popular than before, but it still wasn’t because of anything she had done. She didn’t even look the part. She was a mess appearance wise, only ever putting in any effort on her makeup, which her classmates thought was ‘cool’ for some reason. Though perhaps more importantly, her personality wasn’t really inviting. While she didn’t mind company, she also didn’t try extend a hand of friendship to anyone. On top of that she was brutally honest, indifferent in most circumstances, and her old bright smiles had died along with her carefree nature back in her youth. Her acceptance at school was purely based off her parent’ and brother’s, which was hard for her to swallow. However she kept working hard, and improving her abilities, so the next year she could really shine. With Leios going on to high school, she finally had a chance to make a name for herself.

And that she did, until the very end of the year. Taking her rightful place at the top of everything possible in her school, her classmates finally seemed to acknowledge her. Sure, there were occasional comparisons made between her and her family members, but for the most part Lissandra was allowed to be her own person. Even if her popularity was a result of riding atop her family’s reputation, in a small way she had come into her own. That year did a lot for Liss, she even starting volunteering at the local orphanage. However, deep down, she knew it wouldn’t last. All good things come to an end.

What she hadn’t seen coming was how it’d all fall apart.

After taking mock entrance exams for high schools in the area, Lissandra gleeful discovered that her efforts had paid off. With Leios out of the way she’d ranked at the top of the school, and could skip a grade if she wanted to. She was secretly so happy, but with all of her classmates around she didn’t know how to show it. So she kept it to herself, savoring the moment until it abruptly came to an end. As one of her classmates ran in with another paper in her hands, calling her name as she frantically waved it above her head, Liss’ stomach dropped. That’s when her perfect year came to an end, brought to an unwelcomed halt by someone she’d had never even met. “...Who is Natsumi.” She demanded firmly after reading the list, clutching it tightly in her hands.

“I’m not sure, that was the district list and it never listed her last name… But to score so high… She must be incredible don’t you think?” After that her class completely overlooked her, all totally captivated by a girl who had singlehandedly outdone the best their school had to offer.

It wasn’t until the following year, her last year of Junior high that Liss would finally meet her and learn the answer to her classmates question. Natsumi was definitely incredible, an incredible pain in the ***.

Though fate decided to surprise her once more, as she meet Natsumi when checking up on Leios at her Dad’s office. It was then that she discovered that not only had Natsumi and Leios been friends for sometime, but that she was also the daughter of another one of the hero couples. However it might of hurt worse that she’d been outdone by someone who acted like such a ditz. (Something Lissandra still couldn’t figure out after all those years. If her IQ was that high she’d use it to her advantage, while Umi didn’t show any signs of actually having it at all.)

After spending years hopelessly trying to catch up to her family, who she still saw as superior to everyone else, Lissandra was actually further away than she’d ever been from them in terms of abilities. If she was losing to strangers, there was no way that she could dream of surpassing her family… Or even being their equal.

Tears began to stream down Lissandra’s flushed cheeks, though her expression only testified of a sense of numbness rather than pain as she weakly attempted to block Lnna’s attacks. Who for some reason seemed to be growing sloppy in her movements as well.

For the next few minutes Liss couldn’t bring herself to speak, only grunting softly as the blonde’s swift array of attacks shredded her clothing and cut her deeply in the areas she couldn’t guard. So much relied on that moment, that battle. She’d come seeking to protect her family, and honestly prove herself to them. She wanted to be worthy to call herself an Siopelos, rather than ride off of their reputations for the rest of her life… Though she didn’t know if that could happen or not without first accepting herself.

After years of working so hard, why wasn’t she there yet? Who she wanted to become always seemed so far out of reach. When would she become the women she wanted to be? She’d done so many things right, but also so many things wrong…

What would she have to do to be happy?

What was the answer to Lnna’s question?

Noticing two deep cuts on her hand the spark her memory, Lissandra was finally able to pull herself from her past and refocus. Liss grabbed the woman's wrist as she lashed out at her again, and glided the icy fist to make the last cut she needed. Wincing and biting her lower lip as the cold seemed to burn her flesh, the young women was quick to wrap her plan up from there. Slamming the warlord back into the ground with a short burst of powerful fire, the newfound confident teen raised the back of her hand as it began to fill with a shadow like substance. The runes in the ground around Lnna followed in suit, expanding and rising in an instant to form a dome around the blonde.

She was badly wounded, and out of juice. Though she wasn’t sure if her had it in herself to kill someone so misguided, Lissandra no longer had a choice in the matter. If she slipped up now, she would be the one who was killed.

“There are things my family do that I can’t!” Finally sobbing as her emotions won out, Liss used the last of her energy to launch a long stream of concentrated fire down directly onto the dome. Turning the trap into something of a makeshift oven. “Things we don’t see eye to eye on, and places I can’t follow them in life! I can’t be everything they could hope me to be, or complete every task that they give me! But I will always follow the path that I think is right, and I’ve worked d*** hard to be the person I am now!... That… That should be enough! Your family should love you for being true to yourself, not meeting expectations!”

Honestly, admitting how she truly felt out loud… Was the most freeing thing she’d ever done.

It was as if part of that weight, had finally been lifted from her shoulders.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:11 pm
Upon hearing that her present wasn't something that should be opened in front of her children, Cherokee tried her best to be patient and wait until that night when she could open it in private... However patience wasn't one of the virtues she seemed to have. Being just as rambunctious as she'd been in her youth, Cherry could hardly contain herself when it came to opening presents. Especially ones coming from Adrienne. Out of all of her friends, Adrienne presents were always the most varied which made it hard for her to guess what was inside the box. As Kama and Adrienne seemed to strike up a conversation, Cherokee began to shake slightly on Kama's lap with anticipation. It was almost as if had gone back time and truly become a child once more. Everything about the present driving her imagination all the more wild. The wrapping paper, the bow... Eveb the shape of the box where absolutely killing her. What was inside? If the kids couldn't see it then it must've been something personal... Finally not being able to take it anymore the redhead suddenly burst up off her husbands lap, grab the gift, and then sprinted out the front door. "I'm just getting some air!" She lied as the door swung such behind her before gleefully sitting on the front porch. Placing the box between her legs as she swiftly tore open the package, Cherry eagerly glanced inside the box before pausing a moment in silence. "...Ohhhh, yeah that makes much more sense."
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:13 pm
DannyGirl~ wrote:( @Voca )
“Not all of your family has caught my attention, only a select few.” Orion softly chuckled as Shina attempted to sum him up, and make sense of his explanations. Under different circumstances, he might’ve extended just a little more help to the struggling girl. A few more answers to help guide her towards the correct conclusion. However, such was a luxury he might never possess. One of the few reasons he never received an opportunity to grow closer to others, to make relationships. Many years had passed since he’d come to accept such was his fate, though even now he still struggled with his commitment to such a lifestyle. Being inquisitive by nature, there was always an urge lingering within the back of his mind that he simply couldn’t dismiss. Those he passed on the streets, what were their stories? How vastly different were their lives from his? Among them how many could’ve become a dear friend, if only he reached out once? What consequences would he face if he dared to do so?

Shina’s argument made to counter his envy pulled him from such thoughts, and ensured his attention returned to actively pondering her situation. In many ways, the two held some remarkable similarities. Aside from physical appearance, they both had taken paths in life that lead to solitude. Though their viewpoints on the matter almost directly opposed the other. When in Orion’s trade, making a name for yourself was no different then injecting a slow burning poison into your veins. It might take some time, but eventually the widespread news would be your undoing. He worked in a field where one took great measures in ensuring their name would never see the light of day. (Though, truth be told, Delilah did most of that work for him.) On the other hand, Shina was shadowed by the name of her father. Trapped to wonder her own path until she either accepted it as her fate, or continued to try to break free of it’s hold. The most intriguing factor amongst her explanation was that she seemed to choose loneliness, therefore inflicting its pain onto herself. What he couldn’t make sense of was why. Was there an unspoken rule demanding one must make a name for themselves on their own? Why not confide in the company of others? He couldn’t imagine being completely alone, after all he always had Delilah to support him.

“And who determined those rules?” Orion finally inquired, the shine in his gaze testifying of his genuine curiosity. “Even if it’s just one person, it’s enough to get by… All you have to do is let that one person in. For you, such a task shouldn’t be too difficult. Despite the way you present yourself, you are a remarkably sincere young women Shina.”

Studying her bewildered expression upon making his request, Orion realized that to most it was quite late. Not exactly the proper time to take a stroll. However he continued to await her official reply, as he was used to staying up all night regardless. Though, more importantly, he wasn’t yet done with their conversation. It was the longest conversation he’d ever had with anyone outside of Delilah, and he was actually enjoying the newfound company. “Come with me to find out.” He retorted with a chuckle in response to her question, leading the way as she continued one.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” The young man casually replied to Shina’s last remark, his lips slowly curving upward into something of an innocent smile. Honestly, he felt there was no better time to use your senshitsu than at night as it drew less of a crowd, and retained you with a sense of secrecy. However if she wished to make a show of her abilities daytime would be a better opporunity to do so. Though he wouldn’t ask her to display her best ‘hand’, so to speak, unless she’d offered regardless as he wasn’t one to pry. “You should reevaluate your early comment though, as everyone as potential. Even those without senshitsu.”

Finally halting in front of a small shop in town, Orion carefully scanned over the building before grinning slightly as he found his entrance. “Wait here a moment.” Almost seeming to disappear as he summoned the wind around him to boost himself up onto the roof and then down the chimney, the young man returned the same way just a few minutes later. As he swiftly landed at her side once more, Orion extended her hands out to her revealing a lilac bow with small jewels woven throughout the fabric.

He couldn’t help but blush slightly as he cleared his throat, waiting for her response. “Don’t worry, I left the money for it on the counter.” Swiftly explaining as he realized what it must’ve looked like, Orion found himself feeling rather awkward when talking to the girl once more. However, as he still thought of her original bow as a favor given to him, he felt the need to replace it. Or at very least wanted to. Even if it wasn’t a favor, no one had ever given him a gift before.
Her mouth traced the words that came from him, 'Not all? I will assume it's my father and brother, I've only caught his attention intentionally, I was definitely not in the plan,' Her nostrils flared up a little as she breathed in heavily, only to let out a sigh which showed her slight frustration to her feelings, "In a way, you're proving my point. I don't know if you caught yourself, but I'm sure you will. If you mean me too though, you're wrong, I caught your attention because I wanted you to. Not because it was fate or some form of destiny" Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked to the side, an expression of perplexion appeared.

Though once her eyes returned, they didn't hold any happiness, "I can tell, you're wondering. I chose to isolate myself because if I truly never live to create my own name, my own history, then I would much rather be forgotten altogether than ever exist in a tale at all. I spent most of my time on the lands of Layla, one of the clans. The people mostly keep to themself, so it works perfectly for me" A desperate laugh escaped, as her eyes ran to the floor in a guilty manner, she had gotten used to not talking so frequently with people and by time, she found herself to be feeling even more awkward than previously, "Who determined those rules? Nature. Unless you were born into the exact same circumstances, you will never understand the pressure that develops inside of you over time. For many people, it's just the business of who gets to have a pretty crown rest on their head whilst they issue a command, but for someone potentionally born into that, your whole life is a competition. Just read some of the books of the previous royal families, some of them went as far at to poison or duel eachother for the golden decoration, some died for it."

Silence fell upon them once more, she was going to have to come out of her closest a bit more, he was truly wrong about her, "You think I'm remarkable, that's only because I found no reason act true. I'm cold, I don't honestly care for anyone, not even my own brother. Once I did yet now, I don't even know if i would weep a tear or two. It isn't because I was always like this however, there are some risks you must take to truly become alone"

Though once she heard his simple pass at her denial, she chewed onto her lower lip in conflict but before trying to show her powers, the man had disappeared into a store, only to return with a hair piece which was more luxurious than her previous, her eyes widened at the present, going as far as to become teary momentarily, "Oh, you truly didn't have to" She muttered as her eyes narrowed, her fingers softly running on the fabric and jewels on it, "Why?" She inquired as her eyes ran to his, trying to hold her strength within her voice.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:17 pm
“Truthfully, I had already guessed that you’d been trying to gain the attention of someone during your brawl earlier, though I doubt it was mine since we’d never made acquaintances.... Your partner gave you away. In a real fight to the death he wouldn’t have stopped so suddenly due to a stranger’s arrival, and he definitely wouldn’t have tried to help you when you froze up. However if you’re referring to after that little drama, then you should know that you’re not the first to try to catch my interest. Due to that I’ve built a sort of tolerance to the usual tricks, meaning my interest in you is genuine.” Orion calmly explained back to her, smiling ever so slightly as the maiden continued on. Having it quite humorous that she used phrases such as ‘fate’ and ‘destiny’ given that he, himself, never had. Shina certainly held unique brand of character to her, at least as far as he could gather. Though, to be fair, the only girl he really truly knew well was Delilah. However he still believed it to be the case due to the short time he had spent with other girls like Noel, and Natsumi.

Carefully listening to her has she continued on, Orion took some time to consider Shina’s points before curtly nodding along. He understood her argument for the most part, however failed to comprehend the actions it had lead her to. In his career field earning a name for yourself would never be desirable, pushing him into small towns that kept to themselves in order to preserve himself. Why would she seek out a place exactly like that in hopes to make her name known? It didn’t make any sense to him. Why would one rather fade away then try to reach the things which they longed for? Perhaps her past had been even more difficult on her than she let on. That was something he could actually understand, and empathize with. “I think you’re remarkable for the things which you’ve endured, and for the strength that you hide behind that ‘cold’ persona of yours. You may have yourself fooled, however I’m an excellent judge of character… As for your brother, he thinks the world of you. I believe that you still care for him as well, even if time has put distance between you.”

Studying her over in anticipation as the maiden scanned over his gift, Orion found himself smiling more genuinely than ever before as he noticed the tears within the corners of her eyes. There she was, the true Shina that had almost been forgotten over the hardships that she’d faced throughout her life. Staring down at his gift while nearly crying, yet previously claiming she wouldn’t do so for her brother.  Favor or no, the young man had truly wanted to give her that gift, because finally knew what it felt like to receive something. “...Even when a person learns to be alone, that doesn’t mean it’s how they find any sense of happiness.” Orion explained gently, carefully pulling her original bow out of his pocket before running his thumb over the ribbon. “Originally I was going to give this back to you… But I couldn’t bring myself to do so. Even if it’s just something as simple as ribbon, getting it from another person is comforting. It’s almost like carrying a piece of them with you… And that means that you haven’t faded out completely. Despite the world not knowing you for who you are, there are people who will. If history fails to remember your name then your memory will live on in theirs, and now in mine.” Pausing a moment as he lifted his gaze to the sparking heaven’s above, Orion ran a hand back through his shaggy hair as he let out a somewhat awkward chuckle. “I’ll remember you in the stars, for both the shine to your hair and for our walk tonight…” He muttered softly, before realizing he had come up with the perfect nickname for her after all.

“Well, it’s already really late. Let me walk you back to the inn Starlight.”
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:51 pm
DannyGirl~ wrote:As her fire shot down into the earth beneath her, Liss mind ran rampantly in order to analyze all the minor details going into play. At first she had to focus the majority of her efforts into weaving Lnna into the right patterns, always focusing on the overall picture. One wrong stroke, and everything would fall apart. With her senshitsu’s energy swiftly depleting the risks of taking such a route in battle rang true in her pounding heart. Despite her fairly calm composure it was hard to deny the adrenaline surging through her veins. If Lnna kept taking so much damage in attempts to dodge Liss’ attacks than perhaps it was best to really focus in on wrapping the battle up then and there. However Lissandra didn’t want to take the risk of underestimating someone who had years more of experience on their side. Letting out a sigh of relief as the water warlord finally took to the defensive, Lissandra immediately took advantage of the opportunity and continued marking the ground around the blonde’s icy fortress.
After that, if was simply a race against time. Sweat ran down her face in a similar manner to the ice melting from Lnna’s sanctuary, visible shows of strain evident in her pose. By the time Lissandra finally completed the necessary preparation she was utterly exhausted. That being side, she still had enough in her tank to finish what she started. Though that being said, anything else and she would be her own downfall in battle. Watching as the warlord’s castle finally burst apart completely, Liss watched as Lnna suddenly shot upward on a large growing pillar of ice. The blonde weaved in and out of the last of her rain of fire at an unbelievable speed, though it was her question that truly stunned Lissandra. Though it wasn’t intend to personally attack the auburn haired girl the question cut deep, reopening the wound that had plagued her since her childhood. Clenching her fists and wheezing as Lnna took advantage of her moment of weakness, Liss could hardly process the pain as it thrashed against her gut and legs. She briefly wondered which one of them looked more broken and torn in that moment, before being swept up amongst her memories.

Ever since her childhood Liss inferiority had been painfully apparent. Everywhere she went, every way she turned, she found herself trapped within a shadow. A high expectation predetermined for her in that life, because of the namesake of her family.

Though of course, as a small child she couldn’t yet understand the weight that came along with such responsibilities. Awestruck reactions to her surname filled her younger self with an almost giddy pride. She could recall the feeling of her lips stretched from ear to ear in a manner that caused her chubby cheeks to sting slightly afterwards. For the first few years of grade school life seemed too good to be true, though that was probably because in reality it was.

At first negative comment regarding her behavior where only made when she acted out as a child. Her teachers would passive aggressively reprimand her for her actions, reminding her who her parents were as punishment… Though overtime she grew to be rebuked for much more tedious ordeals, and not just from her teachers. The children who had once praised everything she did, because she was the daughter of heroes, began to show hesitance of their faith in her every time she fell short of expectation.

That race in gym she didn’t win? It suddenly warranted an explanation from her classmates. If she didn’t score the highest on every pop quiz, her friends would begin to panic. Always suspecting various illnesses over the possibility of her making a simply mistake. Every little thing, from social encounters to after school activities, demanded a greater and greater level of perfection the older she got. Though it wasn’t all that bad, she was popular and never without a group to walk her to her classes. Everything she liked was dubbed as cool, and everything she disliked was announced as repulsive. She could’ve almost put up with the pressure, or so she thought.

However the weight finally seemed to much to bear as she reached her last year of elementary school. The grade where Leios really started to outshine his classmates, and every teacher in the school would make sure to remind her of it during every waking moment of the day. Though of course, that news spread to her classmates as well. Suddenly she was more popular than ever, being the daughter of the famed heroes and the sister of an unbelievably brilliant older student. After that all her efforts to be the best in her grade fell short too. Despite buckling down and devoting her spare time to physical and mental training after school, no one cared about all the improvement she worked so hard to achieve. She won every race, scored highest on every test, and everyone acted as if it was nothing. Simply expecting to come from natural talent. No, after that nothing would be enough until she answered that question.

“But what about your brother? The one the teacher’s all talk about! Are you better than him?”

At first the answer was simple, nothing she really had to think too hard about.

“Leios and I are about equal.”

That was the answer she’d believed as a child, even despite her teacher’s ravings… That is until one child thought to ask a question that would plague her for many years to come. Even up to that present day.

“How do you know?”

Everything changed after that, and she could never look at Leios the same way again.

“Well, we spar after school. Sometimes I win, sometimes he does… Which means we’re even.”

Her answer was enough for her classmates, in fact they never questioned her on the subject again. At least in person. However the atmosphere between her and Leios changed drastically, because she finally realized how perfect he actually was. He wasn’t just the perfect student or son, he was secretly the perfect brother. Too perfect in Liss’ opinion. After all though years she finally saw through his ruse. In all their matches throughout their childhood she’d never actually won any. Leios would throw the matches in order to keep her spirits up, and once she’d caught him a few times she could never bring herself to spar with him again.

All her training took to new levels that year. She hardly ever came to school in jeans without holes in them due to training (Which actually started a trend in her class that she never understood), and was always looked pretty scraped up. However she could bring herself to slow down, because at that point her greatest critic was herself.

The next year was probably the hardest for her to handle out of all of her years at school. Her first year of Junior high was Leios’ last, and she couldn’t name a single girl in her grade who wasn’t secretly crushing on him. Honestly nothing could cause her to cringe harder more than random girls trying to use her to get with her brother. Of course she was even more popular than before, but it still wasn’t because of anything she had done. She didn’t even look the part. She was a mess appearance wise, only ever putting in any effort on her makeup, which her classmates thought was ‘cool’ for some reason. Though perhaps more importantly, her personality wasn’t really inviting. While she didn’t mind company, she also didn’t try extend a hand of friendship to anyone. On top of that she was brutally honest, indifferent in most circumstances, and her old bright smiles had died along with her carefree nature back in her youth. Her acceptance at school was purely based off her parent’ and brother’s, which was hard for her to swallow. However she kept working hard, and improving her abilities, so the next year she could really shine. With Leios going on to high school, she finally had a chance to make a name for herself.

And that she did, until the very end of the year. Taking her rightful place at the top of everything possible in her school, her classmates finally seemed to acknowledge her. Sure, there were occasional comparisons made between her and her family members, but for the most part Lissandra was allowed to be her own person. Even if her popularity was a result of riding atop her family’s reputation, in a small way she had come into her own. That year did a lot for Liss, she even starting volunteering at the local orphanage. However, deep down, she knew it wouldn’t last. All good things come to an end.

What she hadn’t seen coming was how it’d all fall apart.

After taking mock entrance exams for high schools in the area, Lissandra gleeful discovered that her efforts had paid off. With Leios out of the way she’d ranked at the top of the school, and could skip a grade if she wanted to. She was secretly so happy, but with all of her classmates around she didn’t know how to show it. So she kept it to herself, savoring the moment until it abruptly came to an end. As one of her classmates ran in with another paper in her hands, calling her name as she frantically waved it above her head, Liss’ stomach dropped. That’s when her perfect year came to an end, brought to an unwelcomed halt by someone she’d had never even met. “...Who is Natsumi.” She demanded firmly after reading the list, clutching it tightly in her hands.

“I’m not sure, that was the district list and it never listed her last name… But to score so high… She must be incredible don’t you think?” After that her class completely overlooked her, all totally captivated by a girl who had singlehandedly outdone the best their school had to offer.

It wasn’t until the following year, her last year of Junior high that Liss would finally meet her and learn the answer to her classmates question. Natsumi was definitely incredible, an incredible pain in the ***.

Though fate decided to surprise her once more, as she meet Natsumi when checking up on Leios at her Dad’s office. It was then that she discovered that not only had Natsumi and Leios been friends for sometime, but that she was also the daughter of another one of the hero couples. However it might of hurt worse that she’d been outdone by someone who acted like such a ditz. (Something Lissandra still couldn’t figure out after all those years. If her IQ was that high she’d use it to her advantage, while Umi didn’t show any signs of actually having it at all.)

After spending years hopelessly trying to catch up to her family, who she still saw as superior to everyone else, Lissandra was actually further away than she’d ever been from them in terms of abilities. If she was losing to strangers, there was no way that she could dream of surpassing her family… Or even being their equal.

Tears began to stream down Lissandra’s flushed cheeks, though her expression only testified of a sense of numbness rather than pain as she weakly attempted to block Lnna’s attacks. Who for some reason seemed to be growing sloppy in her movements as well.

For the next few minutes Liss couldn’t bring herself to speak, only grunting softly as the blonde’s swift array of attacks shredded her clothing and cut her deeply in the areas she couldn’t guard. So much relied on that moment, that battle. She’d come seeking to protect her family, and honestly prove herself to them. She wanted to be worthy to call herself an Siopelos, rather than ride off of their reputations for the rest of her life… Though she didn’t know if that could happen or not without first accepting herself.

After years of working so hard, why wasn’t she there yet? Who she wanted to become always seemed so far out of reach. When would she become the women she wanted to be? She’d done so many things right, but also so many things wrong…

What would she have to do to be happy?

What was the answer to Lnna’s question?

Noticing two deep cuts on her hand the spark her memory, Lissandra was finally able to pull herself from her past and refocus. Liss grabbed the woman's wrist as she lashed out at her again, and glided the icy fist to make the last cut she needed. Wincing and biting her lower lip as the cold seemed to burn her flesh, the young women was quick to wrap her plan up from there. Slamming the warlord back into the ground with a short burst of powerful fire, the newfound confident teen raised the back of her hand as it began to fill with a shadow like substance. The runes in the ground around Lnna followed in suit, expanding and rising in an instant to form a dome around the blonde.

She was badly wounded, and out of juice. Though she wasn’t sure if her had it in herself to kill someone so misguided, Lissandra no longer had a choice in the matter. If she slipped up now, she would be the one who was killed.

“There are things my family do that I can’t!” Finally sobbing as her emotions won out, Liss used the last of her energy to launch a long stream of concentrated fire down directly onto the dome. Turning the trap into something of a makeshift oven. “Things we don’t see eye to eye on, and places I can’t follow them in life! I can’t be everything they could hope me to be, or complete every task that they give me! But I will always follow the path that I think is right, and I’ve worked d*** hard to be the person I am now!... That… That should be enough! Your family should love you for being true to yourself, not meeting expectations!”

Honestly, admitting how she truly felt out loud… Was the most freeing thing she’d ever done.

It was as if part of that weight, had finally been lifted from her shoulders.
Slamming to the ground after the last burst of flame, Lnna groaned as she felt the searing heat wash over her. Glancing up at Liss, she frowned "Follow your own path, eh..." she groaned as she began to pull herself up. Looking around at the rising dome of darkness, Lnna glanced down at herself...her battered body as a familiar sensation washed over her. A tear ran down her cheek, 'Lissandra remind me so much of my master...'

[Lnna Flashback!]
A dark overcast hung overhead the moutain sanctuary of the Warlords. The cloaked master looked at the gathering of clouds with a glare, she loved the changing of seasons...especially the rainy season. However, with her plans for the future...and her latest additions to her hideout, she glanced at the 6 youngsters occupying the training grounds, the bad weather will be a problem.

Looking over at one of her disciples, the young blonde Lnna who seemed to be rather exhausted and scratched up, she frowned. While Lnna had an exceptionally sharp mind and great skill in the use of her Seishitsu, her physical prowess was less so. Walking over to the girl with a frown the master spoke "Lnna, you can take a break if you don't need to do all of this training you know" the Water Seishitsu user looked up as she took some breathes.

"N-no, i'm fine..." she spoke as she tried to stand, but couldn't muster up the right strength as she winced instead "If i am going to fight the heroes, then i need to get stronger".

The Master frowned harder as she looked at her charge saddened. " don't need to fight if you don't want to."

"No...i want to fight...and help you"


Lnna glanced up at her master's silence, "what?" She snapped a bit under the older woman's questioning gaze.

"Didn’t you not like fighting, I thought you wanted to be a doctor?" The Wind user stated with a tilt of her head.

"W-Well, yes...but i want to help you...without you i'd-" she was cut off as her master flicked her forehead.

"Lnna...i took you in because you were alone, and had no one. Yes, i also could feel your potential...but above that...i took you in to make sure you'd get to be happy. Not so i could force you to fight, or make you feel you owe me" she said sternly as she before smiling as the young girl frowned rubbing her head. The master then gently embraced her, "...Know that no matter what happens, whether you fight or don't fight, i will always support you..."

Lnna returned the hug as she started sniffling a bit. She knew that she didn't want to fight...however...

"I...I want to help you fight, i really do..." Lnna spoke determined as she pulled back. Her master frowned a bit, but nodded nonetheless.

"Very well, Lnna. But first...we should rest, the rain will begin soon anyway." She spoke as she stood up, taking Lnna’s hand into her own.

"However, if you really want to fight...remember, in the end...i only want one thing..."

[Flashback: End]

'Follow...the path...i want to follow. No matter what!'

Shooting to her feet, the snow began to melt as a massive whirlpool formed arpund her. "I want to help my, my mother. I won't betray her!" She yelled as she shot her hand forward, blasting a massive torrent of water forward. Blasting past the last of the opening as the stream was cut off. "But, i can't let her go through with this plan...i won't betray her...but she'll be stopped, so i can save her!"

Just before the massive wave of water clashed with Liss' flames, it opened up and allowed the fire to move as it split and avoided the flames. The water moved to crash down on Lissandra, and as they did...a different feeling enveloped the girl, the water gently washed over glowed a soft, soothing, green. Her wounds mending, and pain easing

Water Seishitsu: Healing Magic.

'...If it means i can save her...then please, help stop us...' Lnna’s thought were transferred through the water. The dome of darkness around her heating up as Lnna cried. Water enveloping herself as protection, and as a last effort...created a massive array of ice at the walls of the dome.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:41 pm
DannyGirl~ wrote:Upon hearing that her present wasn't something that should be opened in front of her children, Cherokee tried her best to be patient and wait until that night when she could open it in private... However patience wasn't one of the virtues she seemed to have. Being just as rambunctious as she'd been in her youth, Cherry could hardly contain herself when it came to opening presents. Especially ones coming from Adrienne. Out of all of her friends, Adrienne presents were always the most varied which made it hard for her to guess what was inside the box. As Kama and Adrienne seemed to strike up a conversation, Cherokee began to shake slightly on Kama's lap with anticipation. It was almost as if had gone back time and truly become a child once more. Everything about the present driving her imagination all the more wild. The wrapping paper, the bow... Eveb the shape of the box where absolutely killing her. What was inside? If the kids couldn't see it then it must've been something personal... Finally not being able to take it anymore the redhead suddenly burst up off her husbands lap, grab the gift, and then sprinted out the front door. "I'm just getting some air!" She lied as the door swung such behind her before gleefully sitting on the front porch. Placing the box between her legs as she swiftly tore open the package, Cherry eagerly glanced inside the box before pausing a moment in silence. "...Ohhhh, yeah that makes much more sense."
[Meanwhile, in Kagutsuchi]
"Row, row, row your boat~ Gently down the stream~" The sun hung overhead, casting it's warmth down on the islands. The heat was, as usual, high...not that it was a problem for the residents of the island. On this evening (or whatever time it is, knowing our god forsaken time line XD), a simple row boat sailed through the waters...the boats owner, draped in a torn and tattered red cloak, covered by splotches of deeper crimson, cruises along towards land. Looking forward, his crimson eyes glancing at the horizon with a predatory gaze and a large smile as he encroached on his new hunting ground, "merrily, merrily merrily~ life upon a dream~"

'Capture Cherry Yousenju...that is your only objective. And, you are to ensure one'

The words of his master replayed in his head. Grinning more as he finally reached land. He jumped onto the Sandy beach, the air heating up as he made a quick gesture to the row boat, setting it ablaze. Taking in the site he chuckled. Setting off with a map in hand " then....Ryuji joins the hunt!"

[At the place i forgot who owns]
Observing the scenery as he stood atop a tree, the cloaked man happily looked down upon the home that someone supposedly owns, he didn't really care, that was where some Yosenju's were hold up at. Scouting the home, his attention was pulled to the movement of a door. Glancing down he saw a pregnant woman walking out as she sat on the porch. Grinning like a feral animal, he moved on to his prey.

Moving through the trees, he got within a position above Cherry, he patiently waited for her to open her box, 'Don't wanna be rude now, do we?'. When she finished opening it, he took a glance himself. His usual expression paling as be went blank. "That's a bit of a personal thing lady" in a moment, he dropped down as a large thud slammed into the poarch, looking through the hood of his cloak at her "very inappropriate, why...what if a stranger were to see you with that?" He teased, a massive wave of heat blasted off him before shooting forward reaching his hans out aiming to grab for her face.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:54 pm
DannyGirl~ wrote:“Truthfully, I had already guessed that you’d been trying to gain the attention of someone during your brawl earlier, though I doubt it was mine since we’d never made acquaintances.... Your partner gave you away. In a real fight to the death he wouldn’t have stopped so suddenly due to a stranger’s arrival, and he definitely wouldn’t have tried to help you when you froze up. However if you’re referring to after that little drama, then you should know that you’re not the first to try to catch my interest. Due to that I’ve built a sort of tolerance to the usual tricks, meaning my interest in you is genuine.” Orion calmly explained back to her, smiling ever so slightly as the maiden continued on. Having it quite humorous that she used phrases such as ‘fate’ and ‘destiny’ given that he, himself, never had. Shina certainly held unique brand of character to her, at least as far as he could gather. Though, to be fair, the only girl he really truly knew well was Delilah. However he still believed it to be the case due to the short time he had spent with other girls like Noel, and Natsumi.

Carefully listening to her has she continued on, Orion took some time to consider Shina’s points before curtly nodding along. He understood her argument for the most part, however failed to comprehend the actions it had lead her to. In his career field earning a name for yourself would never be desirable, pushing him into small towns that kept to themselves in order to preserve himself. Why would she seek out a place exactly like that in hopes to make her name known? It didn’t make any sense to him. Why would one rather fade away then try to reach the things which they longed for? Perhaps her past had been even more difficult on her than she let on. That was something he could actually understand, and empathize with. “I think you’re remarkable for the things which you’ve endured, and for the strength that you hide behind that ‘cold’ persona of yours. You may have yourself fooled, however I’m an excellent judge of character… As for your brother, he thinks the world of you. I believe that you still care for him as well, even if time has put distance between you.”

Studying her over in anticipation as the maiden scanned over his gift, Orion found himself smiling more genuinely than ever before as he noticed the tears within the corners of her eyes. There she was, the true Shina that had almost been forgotten over the hardships that she’d faced throughout her life. Staring down at his gift while nearly crying, yet previously claiming she wouldn’t do so for her brother.  Favor or no, the young man had truly wanted to give her that gift, because finally knew what it felt like to receive something. “...Even when a person learns to be alone, that doesn’t mean it’s how they find any sense of happiness.” Orion explained gently, carefully pulling her original bow out of his pocket before running his thumb over the ribbon. “Originally I was going to give this back to you… But I couldn’t bring myself to do so. Even if it’s just something as simple as ribbon, getting it from another person is comforting. It’s almost like carrying a piece of them with you… And that means that you haven’t faded out completely. Despite the world not knowing you for who you are, there are people who will. If history fails to remember your name then your memory will live on in theirs, and now in mine.” Pausing a moment as he lifted his gaze to the sparking heaven’s above, Orion ran a hand back through his shaggy hair as he let out a somewhat awkward chuckle. “I’ll remember you in the stars, for both the shine to your hair and for our walk tonight…” He muttered softly, before realizing he had come up with the perfect nickname for her after all.

“Well, it’s already really late. Let me walk you back to the inn Starlight.”
Awakening many times during the night, she had violent dreams that night, ones which possibly have left a mark in her mind forever, though after the fourth time, her mind came to peace; allowed her to drift to sweet sleep only to rise to the chirping of a melody. She pulled herself from her bed, her hair flying past her shoulders to shadow her vision temporarily though much of her vision still blurry due to the change of scenery.

Her yawn weak yet loud gave her time to contemplate the events of yesterday, the big spiral of events which turned to be far more satisfactory than she expected, though a big negative was the sight of her tears. Brushing her hair back, she had figured the puzzle left in her mind, her mocking of Orion didn't go quite as planned as he took it as a manner of courting rather than plain mockery which had made Shina regret her actions.

His kindness still puzzled her, usually anyone else would've not given her the time of the day after revealing that her plan was to grab their attention yet the man that stood before her that night had even given her the time of his night. She truly felt flattered, it made her feel warm inside with a soft sense of butterflies. This, however, was no time to dwell on pleasantries, not yet, she had places to be, people to meet or reunite with.

After deciding her course of action, she casually strolled to the bathroom, gazing over at Duke, who had stayed up until she had fully fallen asleep, Duke had his own problems yet there was nothing Shina could give than sympathy, married young yet also broken young. Closing the door behind her, she started to run the water.
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:20 pm
Naro wrote:Rohan shook his head as danyell tried to convince herself and the others that it was lie, but Judah wasn't lying... he wasn't the one to lie just to get Rohan upset. If anything, Judah would've used Rohan's family not Zofia "No Danyell... Judah might had not been the strongest warlord, but he was definitely strong... I had help from 2 other people and if it wasn't for my weird combination of Kiko and fire" he showed his broken hand wrapped in a strip of his shirt.

Rohan raised an eyebrow when he heard the name "Lady of the sand" it definitely sounded familiar but where did he hear that? He was too distracted by kios that he completely forgot about it. After a few seconds of trying to remember it finally came back "Sahara..." he said to himself as he noticed a white book on the shelf. It caught his attention for some reason so he went over to get it, it was a book about kiko! Just what he needed, since there wasn't a lot of kiko users around Rohan had to teach himself all that he knows about kiko... and it wasn't much. He's still hoping to get Jove to train him since he's a master with kiko. Snapping back to reality he took a big sigh as danyell tried to stop them "No. The fire warlord is out there in kagutsuchi... I can't let him get close to my pregnant mother. I'm sure father would protect her but my little sisters are there too, Im going to kill the fire warlord" he clenched his fist and a small flame appeared inside his eyes "I'm going to kill every single warlord" he said calming down a bit and slowly tucking the book inside his jacket "let's go Leios!" He stood by the entrance waiting for his rival.

Time skip to kagutsuchi in the next post lol

Looking up boredly from the ever interesting book on farming techniques in Nil before it became a desert that he was reading he nodded. "Anything would be better than this, let's get out of here."

"Have a good time Leios and you too Rohan. Try to come back safely, but don't lose either. Also if you happen to run into your sister, say hi for your mom and I." Kios put his nose back to the book in front oh him.

"Well then that's that. Rohan, I hope you have some other form of transportation besides your motorcycle because I am not sharing a ride with you on that. I assume the feeling is mutual. I hope so." They didn't waste any time leaving the library, but the nearest road was about an hour away. "This is taking quite awhile, and I just realized how stupid we are. Why didn't we just have my dad use one of the shadow tunnels he set up from the Library to the island??" Looking around Leios noticed a car coming down the isolated dirt road, "At least we seem to be pretty lucky, even though cars are still rare we can hail a ride from them!"
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:35 pm
"Shut up. I don't want to ride in my bike with your either... besides I have it to Iggy and Sahara" he placed his hand on his forehead trying to block the sun as he looked into the distance. Sometimes Leios drive him nuts but for now he had to deal with it "I don't know about the tunnels, so that's your fault".

He turn to look at the car Leios mention but unlike him, Rohan wasn't gonna ask for a lift to kagutsuchi. The stranger was probably gonna say no, so Rohan stood in front of the Carr making the driver stop "hello my good friend, you see me and this guy over here are in a hurry... and we would like to borrow your car" he said... as he was already pulling the driver out of the car through the window "thanks for your cooperation!" He hopped in and honked at Leios "come on you edgy kid we're going to kagutsuchi" he kept honking till he got inside the car then took off to their homeland.

They arrived at Rohan's destroyed mansion to see if maybe the firelord was looking for them but no signs of him "let's go check your mom's house"
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Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation - Page 3 Empty Re: Echo of Nothingness (EON III) Continuation

Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:49 pm
Glancing upwards as an unfamiliar voice rang through the air, Cherokee immediately jumped to her feet and dropped the box she'd been holding. Something was definitely wrong. While Cherry had dealt with numerous stalkers and all around creeps in her days, this man gave off a much darker vibe. What was going on? Who was he and why was he at Kios' and Danyell's home. "Well it wasn't exactly for you to see." She explained calmly, briefly glancing down to her gift before studying the man over. If push came to shove, Cherry new that she couldn't take him head on. After all, she wasn't as young as she used to be, and even back then she'd only been a healer. The bubbly woman had never taken to the idea of fighting or truly injuring another individual personally... It was against her nature. Pausing a moment to consider her other options, Cherokee could only come up with two. In that circumstance, the easiest solution for her would've been to head inside, where she'd have the protection of her husband and best friend. It was her best option indeed. However Sango and Tsubaki where inside as well, playing happily upstairs... Save and sound. If she resorted to plan one then she'd be putting her children in potential danger, despite how drastically her it improved her own chances of safety. So that only left her with option two. Reacting in a jolt as heat surrounded her and the man leapt forward, the ginger woman flung her arms up to trap the man's in a cuffing made of ice before sprinting off in the opposite direction. There had to be a way to get help without putting her family in danger... She just had to think of something. However she'd never been good at planning anything under pressure, since Kama usually took care of things like that for her.
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